Tumor part 3

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Daniel layed next to his brother in shock, tears forming in his eyes. Stephen hugged Claire as she cried into his arms, worried that Sean could die.

"Now, we did catch it somewhat early, so he does have options."

The doctor said. Sean and Daniel looked up at him and waited for him to explain.

"We're listening.."

"The cancer is in stage 2A, which means it has grown into the inner layer of the wall of the stomach. It has spread to 3 to 6 lymph nodes but not elsewhere (T1, N2, M0)".

The man explained, but Sean and Daniel didn't understand any of it. However, Claire and Stephen knew what the doctor was saying.

"We can do Subtotal gastrectomy. Which is removal of the part of the stomach that contains cancer, nearby lymph nodes, and parts of other tissues and organs near the tumor. The spleen may be removed. The spleen is an organ in the upper abdomen that filters the blood and removes old blood cells."


The four of them got home and were thinking on whether or not Claire and Stephen could afford having Sean's operation done.

"Claire, you guys don't have to spend your money on surgery for me. I'll be fine."

Sean said to Claire.

"Sean, you and your brother are our number one priorities. We'll scrape up some money for your operation."

Sean sighed as he took his shoes and jacket off. He headed upstairs into the guestroom, having no idea that his brother followed him. He sat on the bed, seeing Daniel and making him jump.

"Oh, shit! Daniel, you scared me."

"Sorry, I thought you knew I was following you. Are you okay?"

The younger brother asked the older.

"Just... What's gonna happen if I do get this surgery, then while I'm layed up recovering the cops find us? I won't be able to run or move in general."

Daniel sat there, not responding. He didn't know what to tell the older wolf brother, so he changed the topic.

"Uhm... How's your stomach, Sean?"

"It's okay right now, thanks, Enano."

Daniel gave his brother a nod and smiled.

"I'm gonna go see what Grandpa is up to."

Daniel said as he stood up.

"So you can bug him to play trains with you?"

The older brother said, giving a small chuckle.

"Do you want me to play with you? That way Grandpa can fix his other train."

"I mean, only if you feel up for it."

"Let's go."

Sean insisted as him and the wolf cub walked out of their bedroom and over to Stephen's train set. Sean made sure that Daniel was gentle with the controls and the train it self.

-Few days later-

It was 9:15am and Sean was still in bed, not feeling too good. He opened his eyes to see that Daniel wasn't there and figured he was downstairs or playing with the train set again, but he was wrong on both. His brother suddenly busted through the door in excitement, scaring the hell out of Sean.

"Jesus fuck, Daniel! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Sean yelled to his brother as he rolled over to his left side.

Life is Strange 2 one shots.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora