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Sean got the balls to do it. It was Valentine's Day and he was going to kiss Layne. He had bottled up feelings he was ready to let fly.

Sean didn't know that Jerry was in love with Layne or that Jerry was dangerous as a loaded gun.

Sean grabbed Layne by the shoulders and gave him a kiss on the lips. Layne was stunned. Jerry stood in the back and dropped his chocolates he was going to give Layne.

"Insert the ending solo to Black by Pearl Jam." Jerry whispered.

"Ew." Layne gagged.

"What?" Sean asked. "Don't gag at me I'm sexy damn it!"

Layne ran off wiping his lips. Jerry stepped forward with tears in his eyes.

"You just got rejected but you stained his lips with your disgusted germs."

Sean's face was blood red from anger. "I'm sexy damn it!"

"I'm going to get my toy." Jerry said. He came back with an AK47

"Jerry put that down." Sean said.

"No!" Jerry screamed. He started shooting it. The whole house was full of bullet holes but Sean didn't get shot. He was too sexy for the bullets to hit.

"The hell? That should've killed you!" Jerry screamed.

Sean popped a toothpick into his mouth and leaned against the wall. "That's too bad."

• • • •

The next day was another sunny day. It hadn't rained for months and the river was almost all dried up. Jerry stood under the bridge holding a red balloon with no face expression.

"Jerry what're you doing down there son?" Sean asked.

"Come down here. I found some weed plants." Jerry said.

Sean's dumb ass flew down that river. But there was no weed plants. Instead Jerry grabbed him by the ankles and pulled him into the darkest corner before returning back to his shot down house.

Inside Layne was having a party. Eddie was standing on a table pole dancing while Chris was throwing money at him. Stone was huddled in the corner of the room talking to satan and crying. Mike was laying on the ground passed out with piercing clamps on his nipples. Kurt was running around half naked pretending to be doing kung fu while Dave and Krist were drunkly chasing him with his clothes. Anthony and Flea were rolling down the stairs on a bicycles while John recorded.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Jerry screamed.

"We're having a party." Layne said calmly.

Jerry pouted. "Layne, I want you to know that I love you. Even though I didn't get to tell you yesterday I-"

Layne interrupted him with a kiss. "I love you too Jer!"

There was then a knock at the door. It was the police looking for Jerry. They also had Sean with them who managed to escape. Jerry grabbed his AK47 and got into his car preparing for a police chase.

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