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welcome !

I | no excessive cursing - i swear like a sailor irl, but please censor words because i don't want this taken down like my last one :(

II | detail! i'm not gonna be like "nine sentences please!!" but i will not answer / i will ask you to write more if you hit me with a one-liner.
example: julian walked through the silent corridors, each step echoing in his ears. he reached the door he needed, and gently placed his hand on the knob - before pushing it open.

III | please roleplay in third person only!!

IV | the password is "frank iero".

V | i don't normally do smut, but if i do, it will be taken to pm.

VI | no over-powered characters & no su*c*dal characters. just a personal thing of mine.

VII | this is a yaoi book, so male characters only. all the characters in here are ukes, so yours must be either seke or seme.

VIII | tagging!! only tag me once every 24 hours. i'm on a british timezone, and i have a social life, so i'm not always active. i will try to respond quickly, though.

IX | my favourite ocs will have '|| name ||'

forms on the next page!! enjoy.

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