Chapter 1: Exile

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"There's no way I can go on a vacation, are you mad?" Seladon said riffling through the pile of papers her secretary had dropped on her desk a few moments before her sisters had barged in with their out of the blue vacation idea.

"It'll be relaxing, and you'll only be there for a little while before we come and join you" Tavra said calmly. Seladon looked up from the paperwork and at her sister. Tavra's long hair was pulled into a high pony tail and she was as usual dressed in active wear. There was a Nike bag on her lap and she toyed with its handle.

"Rian says the resort is really lovely" Brea said not looking up from the book she was reading.
"Oh, well if Rian says it's lovely then that changes everything" Seladon said sarcastically, dropping the filing on her desk and dropping into her chair. She shook the mouse on her computer, to wake it up and started tapping out an email.
"Hey" Brea said snapping the book shut.

"His opinion does matter, he's been there before, with Mira, you know, before.." Brea trailed off.
Seladon took her eyes off the computer and fixed them on Brea.
"I really don't care how much your friend and his dead girlfriend liked a resort Brea, I'm not going" she said.

"That's a really heartless thing to say" Brea snapped and Seladon rolled her eyes.
"I don't really think you're in the position to be pissing anyone off, after your little stunt Sis" Brea continued. She was interrupted by Tavra, who held up a hand and passed Seladon a blue file across the desk.

Seladon took the file and opened it suspiciously. Inside was a series of papers detailing plane flights and a hotel booking.

"From mother" Tavra said and Seladon's stomach turned.
"I'm sorry, but this is coming from way above us"

Seladon slumped and fixed the two of them with a hard stare.
"You should have just led with this" she said and lent on her desk massaging her temples.

This wasn't Tavra and Brea trying to get her to go on a stress less holiday, it was an executive exile. She should have expected as much. Brea wasn't wrong about her stunt, having cost the company. Tavra reached across the desk and took Seladons wrist, pulling it from her temple and forcing her to look up.

"I'm being banished" she breathed.
"It's a two weeks, to refresh you, clear up some issues with the board and keep you out of the public eye, don't be so dramatic." Tavra said in her calming, reassuring way. Seladon managed a small smile, even though the idea of taking a vacation still filled her with disgust.

"Yeah mother is still pretty sure, you fucked up due to being overworked" Brea said casually. Seladon ignored her and stood up smoothing down her blouse and pressing the intercom for her secretary.
"Liasa could you please escort my sisters to their car, I apparently have some packing I need to get to."

Tavra smiled softly.
"Don't be so pessimistic Sel, you never know what can happen when you step outside your sphere of mundanity."

Balmy tropical heat followed Seladon out of her sleek black car. According to Tavra it was the tourism off season, so the resort and the island as a whole would be fairly quiet. That much was proving to be true as the valet line was empty save for an elderly couple being helped out of a Mercedes by a tall man in a smart black uniform.

She turned to the car and reached inside to drag her hand luggage bag onto her shoulder, before turning and almost bumping into the tall man she'd watched open the door for the couple in front of her.

"Just arriving miss?" he asked

Seladon stared at him, momentarily forgetting to answer. He was taller than her, despite the heels she wore, and equally as big, with large amber eyes and tanned skin. Seladon stepped back, her back hitting the car and her ankle giving way as her stiletto twisted on the smooth concrete. The man grabbed her arms, gently steadying her before Seladon yanked them away and shook her head.

The bell boy smiled, laid back cheeky smile and Seladon's cheeks burned.
"Uh yes" she said and brandished her hand towards the car.

"Get my bags out of the trunk, and follow me to my room" she said curtly.
"I like to arrive in my room with my luggage."

The bellboy, whose name tag read 'Gurjin' nodded his head and stepped aside gesturing towards the covered entrance to the lobby.
Seladon nodded and stepped into the shade, watching as he expertly loaded her baggage onto a golden luggage trolley and pushed it back towards her. She took off before he reached her, entering the, spacious lobby and going straight to the desk.

When you were as rich as Seladon there was not such thing as waiting for them to check your reservation, she simply handed over an ID card and had the key slid towards her. Onc Taking it, she beelined for the private elevator that was only accessible to the guests staying in the nicest of suites. When the gilded door slid shut, she allowed herself to glance sideways at Gurjin. He stood up straight next to the trolley staring straight ahead. Looking at him from this angled she could see that his hair was pulled up and tucked inside of the smart cap his uniform included.
"I understand it's the off season" she said, and he turned his head and nodded.

"Does that mean the resort is less staffed?" she continued.

He gave her half smile and nodded.

"Oh yeah, we need a small army to run this place in peak season, most of the staff here are seasonal during that time, for now we mostly staff with locals" he answered. The elevator door pinged and Seladon stepped out and continued down the hallway with the same purposeful stride.

"Why? You looking for a job?"

Seladon was so shocked by the response she stopped in her track and barked out a short laugh.
"Excuse me?" she said her voice less harshened by the laugh.

"Sorry Miss" he said as they started to walk again. Seladon stopping at an elegant wooden door and scanning her key.
"It's okay" she said tossing him another curious glance. She really wasn't used to such handsome help.

She held open the door for him to push the gilded trolley in before strolling past as he unloaded it.

"All the necessary phone numbers are in the book by the phone, if you need anything at all, don't be afraid to call" he said in a rehearsed tone of voice. Seladon turned around and nodded watching as he pulled the trolley out of the room backwards. She followed holding the door open as he backed out before starting to close it, her eyes still following his handsome face.

Seladon waited for him to pull the trolley clear of the door before slowly pushing it closed.

She held the door for a moment, startled at the order.
"What's your name?"

Seladon was stunned by the question. If any other servant had done something like this she would have been horrified. But for some reason she wanted to tell this handsome stranger her name.

"Seladon Vapra" she said before shutting the door quickly and sliding the bolt through for good measure.

Seladon walked away from the door her cheeks warm and her heart beating a little too fast for her liking. Going directly to where she'd left her hand luggage she pulled out the itinerary that Tavra and Brea had designed for her. She scanned the pages going down lists of spa days, massages and treatments, all designed to 'relax' her. She threw the file onto the huge bed that sat in the middle of the luxurious suite and pushed open the door that led onto the balcony. There she was greeted by a stunning expanse of white and blue. The resort stretched out for a few kilometres before being replaced by a huge stretch of pure white sand, followed still by a colossal body of glistening cerulean water. Seladon smiled despite herself and leant against the cast iron railing of the balcony. Her sisters had been right about one thing, the island itself was beautiful. Seladon sighed and ran a hand through her hand, tangling the braids she'd carefully woven in that morning. Brea and Tavra never had to worry about mistakes. If Brea fucked up in one of her endless university courses or Tavra, forgot some move in one of her insane martial arts routines, it was treated like a learning experience, something to be forgiven or made allowance for. Especially Brea. How many university degrees had she been allowed to choose herself?, Seladon was pretty sure it was all of them. She could do anything she wanted. While Seladon had been pushed into a business degree and then into the company and upwards and onwards until her fateful mistake. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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