He excuses himself from the group and trudges towards the pod outdoor area to contemplate. Leaving the group to zone in on the only person who hasn't spoken besides Riley.

''Well, I'll go next then. I'm Isaiah. My problems stem from a place of guilt. My father is in the military and my mother...she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer just after my father was deployed to South Sudan last November. Mom went to the doctors' on Monday and was expecting to be told that she had beaten cancer. But, of course, no she hadn't. Her cancer has become terminal and she has a month to live. So here we are, at 17, trying to see if I can gain legal custody of my two younger siblings next month when I turn 18. Dad has given me legal rights and permission to have my siblings. So I'm gonna do my best to raise Zaria and Christian to their full potential''

He doesn't allow anybody to respond. Instead, he exits out the door that he entered through only seconds before.

''Well, we're just gonna give him a moment. Would you like to share with the group?''

The brunette shuffles in her seat as the spotlight rests on her. Her chocolate orbs wander around the group as she begins to unravel.

''Okay...then. Hey, I'm Riley. I'm here because I was medically advised to. I feel like I don't have the right to be here. About 6 months ago my parents passed away in a mass shooting. So my brothers and I, we've been living with my Dad's best friend, Shawn, his wife and their son, Lucas, who's my boyfriend. I was in the hospital a few days ago after Lucas and I got into a car accident. He's currently in a coma and here I am in a therapy group wallowing over my melodramatic issues. My parents would be incredibly disappointed in me if they were still here. I just think that I could've prevented their deaths by stopping them from going to the theatre that night. But I'm just gonna do my best to move forward and make them proud of me.''

Maya's hand lands on her forearm as a sign of support towards the brunette. 

 ''Thank you all for sharing. Now I'd like to give you all one of these.''

Frieda passes a brown leather journal to each of the teens.

''These journals will allow me as your therapist to track your healing process even when we're not in one on one sessions or group sessions like this one. You can write whatever your heart desires in here. Then during our one-on-one sessions, we will review your journal entries from the previous week as a self-reflection period. While during the week you'll live your lives normally. Understood? Good. You may be dismissed.''

The brunette beauty is intent on visiting her boyfriend. Luckily for her, the therapy session ends just as visiting hours begin. Packing her bag and wheeling herself to Lucas's room. This is before she is halted by the group.

''Hey, Riley...''

She recognises Isaiah, Dylan and Asher but she's unable to comprehend where she remembers them from.

''Hey guys, what's up?''

The pair glance at one and other before continuing to proceed

''We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to Topanga's for our weekly hangout?''


She hasn't been back there since...

''Okay, sure, yeah, I'll be there soon''

Topanga's Cafe- 11:15 am

''Riley, we're glad you could make it''

Mrs Svorski raises her head once she hears the brunettes' name. Glancing towards her but the older lady didn't raise her head to see Riley, she looks towards Elliot, who's just entered the cafe. 

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