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Forgiveness heals wounds like no man's business, forgive for this is the will of our Fatherather, that he may also forgive you, I know it hurts, I know is painful I know what he or she did was very bad, forgiveness is the only way to heal the wound in your heart,

Locking up someone in your heart will not solve the problem, yes it won't, no it can't be over your dead body no please don't make that statement, yes am talking to you, yes you that is reading this  yes  am serious is you, haven't you been offending God but yet he gave he's son to die for you and yet He's waiting for you to forgive so that he can forgive you what a love that he gave out He's Son to die knowing fully well that we're sinners but because he don't want us to keep Malice that is why God Said in 6:14 of Matthew For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. So if you want your sins to be forgiven and prayers to be answered just forgive that person, like I said before I know is painful I know it hurt so bad, I know I may not understand but God understand more allow God to have He's way, let Him judge the matter for you, don't plan on revenge, read this real life testimony, once upon a time a family was embarrassed by their landlord and the man of the house refused to forgive her because of reasons best know to him but he's children forgave the woman one of he's son became a designer and one day the woman needed some who can make some clothes for her, everyone around who knew the woman knows that she had tamper issue, she was rude tho, but the young boy refuse to see that part knowing fully well that God can use any body to be a blessing to him, so the boy was called about the job he told them yes that he'll do it and  that he has been looking for opportunity to even see her, and after everything the young man made a very wonderful Palazzo for her and  became her designer even till now, the woman sends money from abroad to the young designer to make clothes for her, if the boy didn't forgive her he won't have known that she will be a blessing to him and him to her, FORGIVENESS won't cost you anything thing.

   If you want FORGIVENESS
For what ever you want men to do to you do to men likewise
Just know that you can't do it yourself allow the Holy Spirit to take control.
Hallelujah, thank you Jesus.

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