Dance the night away

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~after marks video~
Maya's P.O.V:
I walk into Mark recording room and I really feel guilty about what i did. "Hey mark umm I'm sorry...i really am." He keeps staring at his computer remaining quiet. "Mark..?" I say concerned walking up to him shaking his shoulder. He looks up to me and tackles me. I fall onto the ground as his glasses hit my head "Maya." I stare at him with fear in my eyes "yes." He smiles warmly which makes my heart flutter "oh my god" i whisper as i gulp "Whats wrong?" He says concerned, i blush "nothing its....just the position were in right now its...awkward...yeah...pretty awkwarrrrrddd, hey look a kitty!" Mark shoots his head to the area I'm pointing to "where." He says which gives me a perfect operatunity to break free (Ariana grande style) i push mark off and run out of the room falling on my ass in the process. I giggle at my clumsiness "Ow my ass hurts even more now." I say rubbing my sore ass. I see mark hasn't found the kitty what a reall- "Found it." Wait what the fuck he found an actual cat. I run into the room and see mark holding something. "Gimme the cat i wanna see." It i say as i grab for it. "Gotcha." I say as i grab his phone. "Hey give it back." He says while i chuckle "oh you wanna get the phone, you wanna get dis and text your wittle friends?" I say waving it in front of him "Yeesss." Marks says grabbing for it "Well you can't have it." I said retracting my hands from the area it was in "Your gonna have to catch me to get it." I run out of the room trying not to fall this time as mark runs after me. I giggle as mark chases me. I look at his phone in awe as i flip through his music app " shit." I say as i play hurting by friendly
fires and sing along to it "i can feel in my body my chains on me is breakin loose." I wiggle my butt and start to do the robot "I can feel in my boodddyyy." I hum the rest until the chorus plays "even with out cant keep feelin the pain of your touch, your touch keeps on hurtin' even without can't keep the feelin the pain of your touch of your touch your touch keeps on hurtin'" I sing as i grabs marks hands and do the swing. I smile as he spins me around "Mark" he holds me close "hm." He says as are body sway in unison "Can i just ask why don't have a girlfriend?" Mark looks down at me "How do you know i don't have a girlfriend?" He asks "Well if you did you look like a person who wouldn't cheat on her and...well i kinda just found out on one of your video's." I say as i honestly did just watch his alpha male video where he acted like a complete goof but it was...cute. "Oh? Which one." He asks as we still sway in unison "Well you know that one with the flappy hat." He knods "Oh." He smiles as i slowly drift off to sleep. "Its funny because..i have high standards and...well you practically fit all of them." I say as my eyes slowly close and i fall asleep.
Mark's p.o.v:
I smile as she falls asleep in my arms while i still am swaying. I pick maya up and put her to bed as i begin to walk out she groans "Mark...can you sleep with me?" I look at maya as my expression softens and i lay in the bed with maya. She turns and nuzzles her head in my chest and hugs me. I smile and hug back. "Mark." She says "yes." I whisper "I.......never mind..." She says as she falls asleep "I......never mind you too." I can feel her smile. As i start to drift off to sleep as well.

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