William Knight

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"Harry, thanks for breakfast but I have to run" I said putting my plate in the basin.

"You can ride Adam to school today if you drop off this letter at the post office"

"Thanks Harry" I said grabbing my books, chalk, and pen and heading out the door. I ran down to the barn and tacked up Adam our chestnut Thoroughbred. I saddled him up and put my things inside the saddle bag and rode to school. I rode through the forest to pick up Elizabeth.

Elizabeth is the girl I am supposed to marry. Long before my parents died and Harry found me, my dad had arranged that the Lynns would be part of our family. Mr. James Lynn was my father's best friend, he co-owned a business with my father. Now with my father gone I will marry into the business and to do so I have to marry Elizabeth. Now, do I want to marry her, no. But I will do what my father would have wanted me to do. I will make my father proud. I hate Elizabeth with all my heart. In fact, I dislike pretty much everyone at my school. They all worship me and treat me like I am more than them. I only stay because I want to go to college. I want to marry for love but I don't know if I'll ever find love so this is my only chance to marry.

I dismounted and knocked on the door of the mansion the Lynn's lived in. I greeted Mr.Lynn and small talked till his daughter came down the stairs. We went out to their barn and I saddled up a pony for Eliza to ride to school.

We rode in silence till we got to the school yard. I unsaddled Adam and put him in a stall and then took the pony from Elizabeth and untaked it and also put it in a stall.

All they children were talking about suitors, I overheard the girls talking to Elizabeth about how lucky she is and how lucky I am. Although I would not use the word lucky to describe the horrid situation. School started and finished quickly and I stayed behind to study with the kids who also wanted to go to college.

They sat around and talked while I continued to study. When it was getting late and most of the others had started to leave. I picked up my things and saddled Adam back up and rode into town.

When I got into town I saw Raymond, my best friend, I dismounted, tied Adam up, and grabbed the letter.

"Hey, Ray"

"Evening, Will"

"Walk with me?"

"I have nothing better to do"

"I was thinking you could come help me at the market tomorrow"

"Sure, I got to go. Papas expecting me home before it becomes dark"

"Of course, See you later Raymond"

"Farewell William"

I walked into the post and handed the man behind the counter a letter. The man was short and plump with a full beard. I paid the man, waved goodbye, and mounted again. I rode home and walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you Harry for catching dinner tonight. Sorry, I took so long"

"Its alright lad. Go clean up."


"One more thing Will."


"I have a date tomorrow with Ella. So I won't be able to help you with the market"

"That's fine. Ray is going to help me tomorrow"


I went up to my room and cleaned myself up. We ate dinner and I fed the farm animals. I went to bed and got ready for the long day ahead of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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