• S E V E N T E E N•

Start from the beginning

"Boy bye what imma do wit a shrimp" I said looking down

"U know it's not a shrimp cause when we was making amourii u was loud ass hell for it" Poota said moving his lil friend around

"U messing my words up leave me alone" I said trying to leave

"Mane u gon stop trying to fight it" Poota said choking me

"Anyways she asked me are we getting married ty'quan and that's when u came in" I said hoping up on the sink

"Mhm" Poota said staring at my coochie

"Bye cause now u over doing" I said leaving to go talk to some group of girls

Me and Poota just in the living room of one of Poota cousins house so what happened was after the cookout we let momma p have the babies cause she really wanted to spend time wit them

And me and Poota was invited to his cousins house to do a lil drunk night thing I really don't know

Everbody next to each other and then theirs me and Poota At this point we all just smoking sum weed
The cousins name is amari , zy, trap and only zy got a girl but they had a bunch of other hoes their

"Mane who gon pop some pussy"amari said putting on some twerking music

They hoes got out and started twerking the high started kicking up on me

I started twerking like I couldn't anymore doing splits and all
Trap came behind me and I just threw it back

"Mane the fuck y'all doing bruh" Poota said pushing me

Next thing I know they fighting like real fighting fighting blood over the floor and everthang I was just letting it happen

They broke it up and trap looked bad like he just got jumped he looked like he wanted to kill me when he walked away Poota was bruised up a lil cuts all over his arm and his lip was bleeding

Poota went outside and I forgot he got the keys

"Poota Poota bruh wait up" I said running

"Na bruh u just a hoe omm bruh I'll kill u" poota said choking me taking his gun out

He making my Pussy throb

"Bruh stop looking like that I'll kill u"Poota said having a boner

"Mane get in the car let's go" he continued


When we came to the house Poota went straight in the house leaving me outside so I just went in straight after him

"Poota bruh whea u at" I said going into the kitchen

I went upstairs to see him in the bathroom cleaning hisself up

"Can I help you" I said going closer to him

"Mane yea u doing the stitches" Poota said taking sum from the cabinet

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