Chapter 1 - Diagon Alley and Hogwarts

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  The morning that you awake in your warm canopy bed, snuggled under silk blankets and your head resting on a fluffy pillow was the day you would get your Hogwarts letter. But you didn't know that, yet.

Not expecting much that day, you climb out of bed with tired eyes, slipping on your fuzzy slippers to protect your feet from the cold marble floors of the mansion.

You took a breath of the sweet air flitting through your window, and you head down to collect the post. Hopping down two stairs at a time, you landed on the large open floor, your jump echoing off the walls. You pick up the stack of letters near the ornate doors and flip through them. The letters are mostly from the Ministry for your parents' work, which you throw aside unceremoniously.

As you sort through the stack you ignore everything but when the letter comes into view, you let out a loud squeal and jump up and down in excitement. You've been waiting for this letter forever.

The house elves that serve your family are startled by the sudden high pitched noise that you let out, stopping in their tracks to stare at you for a moment. You run upstairs with a spring in your step, a giddy feeling in your chest.

You pass by a painting of your grandparents, who are laughing and talking to each other, on your way to your room. Upon arriving, you get dressed for the day.

Throwing on your favourite white-hip length cardigan over a pretty Prussian blue tea length dress, you run down to the fireplace. Picking up your satchel, you stuff a bag of galleons and gently place the acceptance letter on top. You grab just enough floo powder and step into the fireplace and throw the powder towards the floor.

You shout as clearly as you can, your voice filling the empty room. "Diagon Alley!"

There's a small poof and you stumble out of the fireplace into the Leaky Cauldron. You carefully dust off your hands and quickly move to the brick wall, tapping the bricks in the certain order you've heard since you were little, you move through excitedly and walk down to the very first shoppe you would like to go to — Ollivander's.

Stepping into the shoppe you find that there are already two people getting a wand, so you mutter a soft "sorry" and move to the side.

You watch them as they pay for the girl's wand and walk out. Stepping up you say, "Hello, Mr Ollivander!"

He looks down at you and smiles, "Hello, now. You must be a Fyelah." Looking a bit dumbfounded you respond, "how did you know?"

"You have your mother's hair and your father's eyes. But, straying from the subject, you are here for a wand, of course. hold on, I'll only be a moment. I think I have the perfect one for you."

You watch as he disappears into the maze of shelves filled with wands and you anxiously await his return, shuffling your feet awkwardly. A couple of minutes later he sets down a wand box and takes out a beautiful wand.

"Beechwood, mix of unicorn and veela hair, and exactly 12 1/4 inches long," he said, holding it out for you to take. You smile, excited to hold the wand in your hand, Gently taking it and giving it a swish, gold light beams from the tip and sparkles fly everywhere

"Interesting... very... interesting," Mr. Olivander hummed. You look at Mr. Ollivander, a bit worried, "Is that a bad thing?"

He shakes his head, and looks at you reassuringly. "Oh, no... no... it's just... It's been some time since I've seen a wand choose a witch that quickly. But I must say, Miss Fyelah, You are destined for great things."

You smile brightly and pay for your wand, and setting it carefully in your bag, you head off to finish your school shopping.

An hour and a half had passed, and you are back in your home, bag full. You quickly pack your trunk and gently pet your owl, Kristie, on the head before placing her in the cage, and you quickly take everything downstairs. You give the letter to your parents to the family owl, Leonard, and you head to the fireplace using the floo network once more you hold the trunk and cage in one hand and the floo powder in the other, and you shout out "The Leaky Cauldron!"

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