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I walk towards my pants. "Sooo can you make me breakfast bae?" I say with a serious face trying not to burst out laughing "Well....lemme think about and i am not your bae!" Mark states obviously irritated at my comment "Well...i'll just make some myself." I say running down the stairs trying no to fall. "Hey!" Mark says running after me "Hey I'm cooking go back up zhe stairs!" I demand. Mark shakes his head "no can do missy." I pout "NIEN!" (Means no in german.) i say as i run in the kitchen opening the refrigerator "NIEN! Oh no you don't speak german in this house." I chuckle "What ever mom!" Mark runs down the stairs running towards the kitchen. "Shit." I try to hurry up with the. Cooking "nononononono." I say as i go wide eyed as he runs up to me, i put down the pot i had in my hand and i get swept off my feet as he throws me on the couch lightly "crap i was gonna go all chef boy r d up in that kitchen." I say laughing
Marks P.O.V
I stare at maya she is just....stunning. I blushed and sat down next to her on the couch. "So how did you get here?" Her smile turns into a blank expression "Umm as far as i know i drove here and the rest is blurry....must of been some good sex though because my ass hurts like hell." She says nonchalantly. I blush "well... Umm do you want to stay here for a little while longer?" She blushes "Y-yeah that'll be fine with me...its not like I don't have a friend that might be...oh my god...i gotta call kry!" She says jumping up going up the stairs " PHONE!.. Yes okay i found it ." I hear her scream in my room.I enter my room in confusion "Hey mark." She says as she sits on my bed
Maya's P.O.V:
I call kry as the phone starts to beep...then beep...then the phone gets answered "Hello." A guy answers "WHO IN THE SHMITTY YEGHER MAN JENSON IS THIS!" I scream making mark jump a little "Well its darrel.. Oh and if you wanna talk to kry she isn't here right now." I almost piss my panties "What in the fuck did you do to her?!?" I whisper in the phone "Nothing much just give her the best fucking of a life time." I look at the phone and mouth ~what the fuck?~ as the stranger is still talking "Eww." I say as i hang up. "So... Whats up?" Mark asks concerned "Oh nothing its mom's boyfriend answered her phone talking about his sex..with my mom...Yeah thats what happened." I lied in his face I don't mean to lie but I don't want him to get a wrong impression about my best friend "Oh..i just wanted you to know I'm gonna be recording a video." He says as he walks out the room "Okay." I say unsure about what he is talking about. I then get this idea to mess with Mark while he is recording. I walk down stairs and go into his recording area. I crawl into the room as he is paying attention to his game. I crawl under his chair and slowly slide my hand up his thigh making him jump. He looks down at me as i stare up at him with an innocent face "what?" I say trying not to laugh.
Marks P.O.V:
"Whats up mark?" I hear wade say. I blush madly "It's n-nothing just noTHing." I say as i feel her touch my 'special place' "H-Hold on for a sEcond." I moan slightly as she gently kneads my pants. "What the fUcK maya?" She looks up to me innocently "I just seen a stain on your pants and I thought I needed to get it off." She says seductivly, she then crawls from under the computer desk and walks out of the room. "Sorry guys...." Bob and wade burst out laughing as i blush crimson red "Who was that?" Bob asks "Oh uh just...someone." Wade laughs even more "It doesn't sound like just some one c'mon who is it?" "I-its this girl she....she is my roommate." I state simply slightly stuttering
Maya's P.O.V:
I laugh as i walk out of the room. I hear my phone go off "What is it now Kry you better have called me." I pick up my phone and sigh "kry at least try and call me." It was a notification from youtube 'markiplier's highlights.' I click on it and watch the sudden video "HOLY FUCK THE GUY I JUST SLEPT WITH IS A FAMOUS YOUTUBER!!!" I scream as mark walks out of his recording room shushing me. I blush slightly "sorry."

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