Contenplating Life.... Chapter 1

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Bryan's POV.

I was sitting by the docks after Jakey left to go clear things up with everyone with Mario. I look beside me to see Jakeys Guitar.... I contemplate playing it, I look around and see no one within the radius to hear me so I pick it up and start singing...

My friends always tell me I get carried away,
Sometimes I spit when I talk cuz I have so much to say.. They don't seem to hear me but I guess it's ok... It's not their fault my minds working overtime with no pay. They always say the same things and it's starting to get old. That my head can't get sick, It can't catch a cold... I scratch and I pick. My insecurities poke, My fears, my anxiety, a voice that provokes... Take a walk clear your head, breath in count to ten..(He's pacing up and down the beach now) Cuz on the first page of life written in red(I'm gonna replace little girl with little boy so it fits this better ;3 also tell me in the comments do you like the music cause I really do it's so fun to write XD anyhow back to the story!)
You'll never make it here if you don't learn how to bend..Don't  speak unless your spoken to, little boy. Someday you will find your place in the world, But guys don't get dirty. Someday you'll learn to fill the empty space with empty faith....Every day felt like a battle and I always got hurt, I was frequently told violence was never the answer, But life doesn't abide by the rules of a child. I don't know how to fight only taught how to surrender! There's a certain kind of darkness that does a reaping, It usually take you right before you are sleeping. Is it the crack in the door that it finds a way to creep in? Or the crack in your brain that wants you to drop dead! I don't remember what it's like to see with clear vision. I awake every morning like the dead has arisen! I don't have to think this body of mine is a prison.. You don't control me I just gotta find the light switch, but the more that I look the further I get. You're the only thing about me that needed to be fixed, Cuz in the first page of life written in fine print... Stop looking for light, live it instead.. Don't speak unless your spoken to, little boy... Someday you will find your place in the world, cause guys don't get dirty... Someday you'll learn to fill the empty space with empty faith.... My mind is a mess but I love it none the less....... They tell me to hush but my words are all that's left... So in the last page of life written in gold, Don't wats it always doing what your told.

I stop singing and hear a rustle in the bushes I turn around quickly and straighten my look and put the guitar down pulling out my staff. "Come out! I know your there." I see Mario, Xylo, Bri, Ms Kaykrare, and Jakey...  Jakey I can explain it- "There's nothing to explain Bryan I think we should all talk about what's been happening..." "I mean do we really need to, Said Mario" "Yes!, everyone replied"
~~~Time Skip :3~~~

This is thy end meh peeps ;3 hope you enjoyed this was inspired by my friend Chad go check out there Wattpad ChadBun;3

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