Chap2 "you like cats?"

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Readers pov

It was another day at morimori Academy Lincoln was walking around for lunch break until someone pull him then pin him against the wall where the stairs were 'god damnit why me again!?!' his face was pale then usual and he kept looking away, he couldn't fight anyone cause last time he did he sent someone to the hospital for about a month or so

"come on~ your in the bitch club right?~" he whisper into Lincoln ear as he nibble on it "l-look i aint doing this ok...So just leave me alone.." he said with a low growl "I'll be gentle unless ya want it rough then i dont mind~" he lick his ear "dont play hard to get" he says to him trying to push him off or away for Lincoln to run away "if you don't get the fuck off me i well beat your ass!" he yells at the pervert boy who was a 3rd year but not really caring

The boy bite his ear making him gasp out in surprise 'yeah someone is wanting their ass kick' he says to himself as he was about to punch him someone else kick his hips, lincoln look to see who it was and it was kashima "kas-sama!" he looks at him surprise he look like a dog happy to see a friendly face "hey lin-chan" he says "what the hell man!?" Lincoln went to hide behind kashima 'to tired for this shit...I hate to let kas-sama to deal this for me...' he looks at him "if you wanna fuck so bad then I'll do it" he told him which Lincoln tenses up from what he said "seriously?" "mhm, but one thing. Im the top you cool with that?" he squats down to the now scared boy saying he was good and ran off.

He sigh and turn to kas-sama "thanks kas-sama..But i couldn't took care of it myself!" he says to him "hahah really then why didn't you?" he ask with a toothy smile "r-reasons ok!" he yells at him as he playfully punch his arm "ughhh, how did he know i was in that club though..." he ask in annoyed tone "maybe someone somehow found out haha but saying im top really works!" he laughs

"so you've done the sex thing with someone?.." he ask him looking at him "not yet but tono done his so he's good" he said scratching the back of his head "ah..I could be top to.." he says with a small pout "well you'd be a cute top then haha" he says then realizes what he said and started to blush then looks away i just look at him calmly.

"s-sorry lin-chan.." he says "lin-chan?" Lincoln ask "ah! Sorry i-if you dont want me to call you that th-then-" "no its fine..My big bro is part japanese so he calls me something like that to or just L-chan" he says to kashima "a-ah so its ok if i keep calling lin-chan?" he ask "i guess i dont mind it" then he smiles brightly 'i swear...Kas-sama and kyo-san well blind someone with their smiles..' he thought to himself,

Lincoln ask kashima why he join the club he said he loves photography, they talk for a bit and so he left saying his see you later at the club room.

Lincoln's pov

I was walking down the hall way sighing to myself as my stomach growl a little "fucking pervy random guy...Miss lunch cause of him..." i grumbles as i kept walking through the hallway then i heard a familiar voice "linlin!" it was kyo-san 'everyone has nickname for me huh?..' i thought to myself "hey kyo-san" i said to him

"so how is the club? Are they nice to you?" he ask me "huh..Yeah..One of them kept licking my ne-..Never mind, i mean yes!" i said to him so he wouldn't worry "you sure?" i nodded my head, we talk for a bit and laugh, he so easy to talk to and all, though i wouldn't want to fuck him, he's good looking but..We did only just meet so, i guess take things slow

"see ya later in class linlin!" he wave at me which i wave back "yeah see ya kyo-san!" my stomach growls again and i groan as i just gave up on wanting to eat.

'he is nice, kind and good looking...But would he want to do it with me? Hmmm' as i was thinking and leaning against the wall with left shoulder this time i heard someone from behind me which made me jump "ack!!!" i turn around seeing akemi "is that scary to see me?" he ask me

Yarichin bitch club x (male) ocWhere stories live. Discover now