A woman with grey hair raised her finger, "Prince Archie, I'm sure that you're aware of the phrase 'Marry in May, rue the day' which was started by Queen Mary many many years ago. So we were thinking April 24th, which is a Friday at high noon."

It was at this moment that I realized that the control I was going to have over this wedding was going to be very minimal. We hadn't even gotten deep into the planning.

I looked at Archie and we nodded our heads.

"Yes, that works." I agreed to their proposition if it was even one, "Could we have a small, private wedding in California?"

Winston shifted in his seat, "I mean it's never been done before but I'd rather it be after the one here. No press or anything, correct?"

"Yes, Father, hence the word private." Archie brought to his Dad's attention, "We'd like the wedding to be in Westminster Abbey as well."

"I wouldn't want it to be anywhere else." Winston agreed, "Alena, I think it'd be best to quit your job especially before the wedding. Preferably within the next month."

I practically choked on my spit.


Four years of education, a glowing resume, and a beautiful transcript for nothing basically?

I had to remind myself this is what you wanted, you knew what you were getting into.

I swallowed my pride, "Yes of course."

"We need to get wedding gown designers in here as soon as next week because the big day will come very quickly and this dress can't be anything short of amazing." a male advisor spoke

"The gown will be modest with flair it will be white of course. The bride will wear a crown from the late Queen Anne or the late Princess Frances. Both the Bride and the Groom's bands will be made from Welsh gold." he continued

Archie looked at me, "I think my mothers would look amazing on you."

Victoria nodded, "She does remind me a lot of Mother."

"Mum would've been head over heels for you." Matilda added as she looked me in the eyes

Those statements warmed my heart.

The things I would do to give them their mother back.

"I think it would be good if we go over a few questions before the engagement interview." The advisor with glasses spoke, I wish they stated their names or wore name tags

"Alena just because you're not a Brit native I think it would be good to have lessons with you. Just to teach you royal protocol and whatnot." she proceeded to say, "You are the mother of the country's future king or queen."

That statement was insane to think about.

I could have the future of a whole country in my uterus a year from now.

"Let's not rush them into anything just yet." Winston laughed nervously, "Let's try to make it through the biggest event of next year first."

Archie nodded his head, "I agree."

We talked more about the roles in the wedding, religion, the dress code, how we may need to live in the palace once we officially tied the knot, basically, we just talked about how much things would change. Just being a partner to Archie was practically nothing but being his fiancée and wife was everything.

They told me that I didn't have to be baptized into their faith unless I absolutely wanted to -I didn't really want to - but I knew I needed to do it. I couldn't give the press or the people more reasons to hate me.

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