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My eyes went wide at the wonderful sight

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My eyes went wide at the wonderful sight. It's like I'm in heaven, just like I meant earlier. In the center of the church, I saw a statue of Mother Mary with her hands clasped together as she prayed, colors were faded only a few little paint is still there.

I traced my fingers on the cold stone as I looked up to her and imagine an angel was watching me...with sympathy and compassion. I kneeled down on the ground and began to pray if only I want to go on a trip to heaven like opening a gateway to eternal life.

After a short minute of praying, I slowly laid down on the flower bed, blades of grass tickling my skin. The church sure is quiet and still. My eyes starting to get drowsy...I slowly drifted off to sleep. I didn't notice there's someone is watching me asleep.

*~3 hours later~*

I was sleeping peacefully for almost an hour now...until I felt my back hit on something hard and a hand stroked my head in soothing patterns. A cool breeze blew around me which it made me want to open my eyes. And I did.

I slowly opened them. I saw a pair of magical blue pools staring down at me. Blonde hair like a stack of hay, beautiful white wings that are glowing brightly surrounded by a rainbow aura. A hand gently rubbed my cheekbone, making me sigh. I could hear a male laugh.

I groaned as I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes. I saw none other than a male angel is now right in front of me. My eyes are as wide as saucers in surprise. He wore a pure white tunic and a long cape that reached to his feet or the floor and also, had a triangle medallion attached to the side of his shoulder like a Greek god or goddess.

He gave me a sweet smile to his full lips as he held my both hands, intertwined together and our eyes connected. This strange land is new to me but still, it's even more beautiful than ever. The green hills, flowers, Bermuda/horse grass....I just can't believe my eyes. I'm in a real paradise!

"Hello, (Y/N). I am Link. I heard about your prayers that you might want to go to heaven, correct?"

He said as he caressed my cheek gently. I held his hand on mine for comfort.

"But...I felt like I was dreaming all of a sudden and I thought--"

My sentence cut off by placing his finger to my lips to silence me and lifted my chin slowly. I blushed slightly.

"(Y/N)...this land you are in now is for real. Heaven is REAL and it was made by God Himself. More importantly, it is His own creation, compared here to your world. But heaven is a wonderful place and you have an innocent heart. When you pray every day and night, God will hear your prayers just like I do. I AM your angel. I always care for you, protect you, comfort you and loved you eternally...."

He cupped my cheeks, making me blush deeply. His wings spread wide like a swan, sprinkling a shower of sparks as the wind blew around us. Our foreheads touched, eyes locked in a deep tender gazes and our faces matted in a light red color like a tomato.

"I know your prayers that suddenly sent you to heaven because you wished for a safe place. The prayer has granted your wish, (Y/N). To me, well...the human world is dreadful, full of sinful acts and dangerous. So that is why you mysteriously appeared  here by a miracle. As for your beloved angel, I want to keep you safe and sound in my wings, hold you in my arms and kiss you right in the cheek....like this."

Link responded to me with kind words. With that last word, he leaned close to my face before planting a sweet kiss on my cheek while his eyes closed, arms wrapped around me protectively. I rested my hands against his chest.

He then cooed lovingly to my ears. I blushed even more. He gave me a small chuckle...it was seductive and the sexiest one I've ever heard in my life. His wings folded gracefully around me for security like a blanket. I gaze upon his blue pools once more, my hands rested on his shoulders.

"You are now safe with me, (Y/N). I love you more than I care about you. You don't deserve that other world you lived in back there. You can stay here as long as I am here. We can live together in peace forever...you and I. I love you, (Y/N). My little (nickname)."

He reminded caringly before he kissed my lips passionately. He smirked at the kiss. I smiled shyly.

"I love you too, Link. My angel...and my hero", I replied to him.

Whenever I prayed, my wish really came true. A trip to heaven is the most miraculous thing the Lord has made. It's like I've been reborn and rejoice by the hand of God. I have my angel, my Link who's so precious to me. What a glorious blessing...a trip to heaven is my sanctuary, my safe haven.


"I wish I could climb up to heaven. To give you a hug and tell you how much I love and miss you." - Unknown

"Prayer is the key to heaven, but faith unlocks the door." - Unknown

My Guardian Angel (Angel!Link x Religious!Reader Oneshots) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now