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Hi. __TheLazyAatma here is the os.
Read and tell me how is it.?
Let's start.

Scene starts from xyz collage. It was new year for all of them. Some new admissions were also there and so some boys were sitting near collage gate ragging the new students. A girl was passing from there when those boys called her and she being scared went near them.

Boy:so new student Haan. How can you enter in the collage without our permission. Your seniors. Said one of the boy from them smirking while the girl got more scared.

Boy 2:true. You can enter only when you complete one task given by us. Said the other boy and the girl just shook her head in yes being scared.

Boy:so what task should we give her.? Asked the boy to the others.

Let's make her propose you or what about a kiss.? Said a boy and others laughed. The Girl was in tears by now while the boy started coming closer towards her. She got scared and try to go but he held her hand and she started crying.

Boy:God what the hell is wrong with you.? Why are you crying when I didn't even do anything. God this behenji type girls. He said irritatedly and left her pushing her slightly for which she lost her balance and was about to fall but just then a boy came and held her on time. He made her stand properly and looked towards those boys. He glared the boys.

Boy:don't you have any manners.? How dare you behave like this with a girl.? Everything has its limit and also Ragging  should be in limits. It's just for fun not to trouble or hurt others. Specially a girl. Next time if I'll find you misbehaving with a girl. You will be out of the collage i swear. He said in low but angry tone and those boys just couldn't do anything as he was their senior and also he could complain the principal so they just glared him and started leaving but he stopped them.

Boy:wait. How can you enter the collage without my permission. I'm your senior after all. He said smirking and those boys looked at him angrily.
Many students were gatherd there by now and was looking at the drama going on.

Boy:your task is......ask forgiveness from her. Then only you can enter inside the collage or else.... he warned them but they didn't budge.

Boy:ASK NOW WITH SIT UPS OR ELSE....he shouted angrily. Those boys were shocked. they felt insulted but having no other option they asked sorry to that girl and left from there but not before giving a last glare to that boy who just in return gave an i-dont-care look. 

All other students were impressed by that boy and in all of them a girl was standing little far and was trying to see the boy who just helped the girl. She was really impressed with the way he helped her and even punished those boys. when no one else gave heed to those boys who were troubling the new students. She was jumping and trying to get a view of that boy but many students were there and her view was getting blocked. She then pushed some students slightly and came ahead and finally could see the boy but he was facing his back towards her and she suddenly got pushed by one of the student from behind her.

She lost her balance and dashed with the boy. He turned around and held the girl in his arms who was about to fall. She closed her eyes in fear but when she felt some one holding her she opend them and found the boy holding her whom she was trying to see from long was just too close to her. Suddenly she forgot everything. Her eyes were lost in his. She lost her sense in him. She lost herself in him.
Everything freezed for her and for a second she just stopped breathing and her heart skipped its beats when she was in the most handsome boy's arms she ever saw.

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