AWSTEN: It does. It's almost been an entire year.

JUDI: Dang.


JUDI: Hopefully when Patty proposes to me our engagement won't last that long.

AWSTEN: It really sucks. I mean, we've been engaged since before Syd.

JUDI: Yeah, that's really long.

AWSTEN: I feel like we're never going to get married.

JUDI: You will.

AWSTEN: This just sucks.

JUDI: I can imagine.

SYDNEY: I'm glad that I'll get to be there.

AWSTEN: So are we.

JUDI: And now the babies will, too.

AWSTEN: Yeah, that's crazy.

JUDI: [changing topics] Where are we going today?

AWSTEN: Well, Sydney's been wanting to go to the boardwalk, so maybe there?

JUDI: Where we went for our birthday?


JUDI: Yeah, sure. That sounds fine.

AWSTEN: Alrighty then.


The adults chuckle.


On the pier.

AWSTEN: Are you excited?

JUDI: For what?

AWSTEN: Your channel.

JUDI: Oh, yeah. I'm just scared because it'll be harder to hide our relationship.

AWSTEN: Just keep on like you have been.

JUDI: We live together, though. We have kids.

AWSTEN: They don't know he's the biological father, and they don't have to know yet if you don't want them to.

JUDI: I do want them to know already, but Patty is being a pussy and doesn't want to share that.

AWSTEN: I don't think he's being a pussy, I think he just wants to keep some things private.

JUDI: I get that, but wouldn't it be much easier to tell them about us and the babies and keep other things secret?

AWSTEN: They're his kids, too.

JUDI: Well I'm getting pretty impatient so he better make up his mind soon.

AWSTEN: I'm pretty sure he already has.

JUDI: Awsten.

but do we dare split apart? // ig // gawsten/pawstenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें