Chapter 7: Unexpected Guests

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DJ lay on her bed, sighing heavily as she placed the receiver back on the phone. She closed her eyes, as she rolled to her back, placing her arm across her face. Where is he? DJ wondered, and sighed in frustration when no answers came. She enjoyed the comfort the darkness provided, and was nearly asleep when she thought she heard a knock on the door. She opened her eyes, but otherwise, didn't move; she just stayed there listening. The knock soon sounded once more, and she sprang from her bed. "I'm coming!" DJ called, and hurried to the door, sliding to a halt. She opened the door, and gasped in surprise.

Joey had turned, about to leave when the door had opened behind him, and he heard a soft gasp before turning to see DJ standing there, a look of shock on her face. "Hi, Deej," he said quietly, too unsure of why he was there to notice her open and close her mouth like a fish out of water.

"H-hi Joey," DJ managed to stammer after a few moments. She looked over her shoulder before turning back to him, crossing her arms over her chest. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you Jesse got me back on the radio show," he said nervously. Liar! Joey's mind screamed.

"I know," DJ replied. "I listen to it everyday." She waited a few minutes, watching as he nodded slowly. "Anything else?" DJ asked, her voice sounding colder than she intended. I don't want to be hurt, she told herself. Not by him.

"Jesse told me you came to visit Kimmy after your dad kicked me out," he said, exhaling deeply, not looking at her. "I hear there was a pretty big fight."

"You could say that," DJ said, watching Joey look around. "Do you want to come in?"

"No," Joey said. "That's alright. I need to get going anyway, I just came by to see how you were doing."

No, she thought as she watched him turn to go. "Joey!" DJ called after him, and he turned to look at her curiously. "I'm not visiting Kimmy, I live here. Dad kicked me out."

"What?" Joey asked, moving back to her. "Why?"

DJ sighed. "It's a long story," she said looking at him uneasily. "Do you have time?"

"Yeah," he replied. They sat down on the steps outside her apartment, and she related the tale. "Y-you did all that for me?" Joey asked in astonishment when she finished.

"Yeah," she replied quietly.

"Some birthday present," Joey remark sardonically.

"Yep," DJ agreed.

"So," Joey said softly, turning to face her. God, she's beautiful, he thought, and found that he was dying to touch her, to taste her lips again. "Why did you do it? Why risk everything for me?"

"I told you, Joey," DJ replied. "I love you. I always have, and I know now that I always will." Joey was stunned.

"But DJ," Joey said, trying to get her to understand. "I have nothing to offer you; I was forced to move back in with my mom for Christ's sake."

DJ just shook her head. "Joey," she said with a smile. "If you think I'm here with Kimmy because it was the only thing I could afford, you're wrong. I don't need you to take care of me, Joey, I can do that myself – and you, if you'll let me – at least until you get your career going," she trailed off into silence, hoping she didn't hurt his ego.

DJ found out that Jesse or Becky had finally relented, and told Danny where she was staying, seeing her father's car pull up. She and Joey jumped, looking apprehensive when they saw him walking up, and steeled themselves for the worst. "Good," Danny said as he approached, his tone giving away nothing. "You're both here." Joey reached over and clasped DJ's hand, and if Danny noticed, he showed no signs. "Listen, we need to talk."

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