"I'd be inclined to believe that story if I hadn't noticed the faint pattern of knuckles with each bruise. Not to mention the fact that I saw her stitches earlier, a nice bright red on her hairline." Father took Mother's hand as they looked upon us. "What happened, preferably the truth this time."

I turned to Livy, pressing my hand over her cheek. I willed for the tears in her eyes to disappear, for all her pain to disappear. She turned her head and pressed a kiss to my palm before covering my hand with hers. She was gathering the strength to speak her truth, I could see it in the depths of her eyes.

"Cover his ears," She begged, allowing me to retract my hand from her cheek. She snaked her hand down her face, rubbing her neck. She had done it so often that past few days I was surprised she hadn't developed a rash.

"Four days ago—I...I was assaulted. Th-they were—They were two men I had the d-displeasure of knowing long ago." She paused to wipe furiously at her tears. Matthew crawled from my lap to hers, hooking his arms around her neck. "I'd rather—I'd rather leave that subject alone, if I may." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and clutched her close.

"Is It safe to presume that one of those men fathered these children?" Mother questioned, her tone softer than before.

"Yes, the Englishman of the pair fathered our children. The other half was an American, well acquainted with Livy and the Englishman." I muttered. Father stood, careful not to jostle the baby awake.

"Matthew must be famished. Come, and I shall show you to the kitchen. You must be famished as well, Olivia." Father exclaimed, extending his free hand to her. Olivia stood and took his hand, leaving the room so Mother and I could talk.

"She tells an impressive tale, I'll give her that," Mother said sullenly. I scoffed, rising to my feet. I crossed the room and quickly occupied Father's chair.

"Mother, drop the act. You're being rather cruel to my wife, and you know it." I snapped. "You've never acted this way before, so why now?"

"I don't trust her, she's lying to my face and I know it." She admitted, turning towards me. "I don't care that she's black or that she's an American, truly I don't. If this girl is going to be my daughter-in-law, I need honesty." I grabbed Mother's hand and sandwiched it between mine.

"I'm sorry, Mother, I am. There are certain aspects about Olivia's life that we are timid about sharing." I admitted. "There are dangerous people after her, Mother, and all I care about is keeping her safe. I want a life with her, to have more children with her. We're unable to achieve that because we live in constant fear." Mother curled her fingers around mine, mustering her most encouraging look.

"It's those two men, isn't it? The two who assaulted Miss Olivia?" She questioned. "Do you know their names? Perhaps we could report them." I snorted, shaking my head. If only Richard Montgomery could be arrested. We could simply threaten Jacob Wilde to leave the country, but he would be back just as soon as he'd step foot on American soil.

"I wish we could, Mother. The American we can trick, perhaps, but the Englishman is nobility. The only way to keep him from harassing her further is his death—and that will not be for quite some time." I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. I stood quickly, dropping Mother's hand.

"Promise me you will make amends with Olivia by tomorrow morning. I don't want her stay here to be uncomfortable, and I know she won't say anything to you." I begged. Mother stood as well, wrapping her arms around me. I had out grown her by nearly a foot since I reached the age of fourteen. No matter how tall I got, she always pulled me down to her size.

"I shall do my best, my darling." She promised.

I left Mother, eager to find my family. I hoped that Mrs. Westfield was entertaining them with Papa in the kitchen, but my hopes were thrashed when I at the sight. Only Papa and Matthew remained. Papa was indulging him in sweet cakes, much to my chagrin. I made a noise at the back of my throat, earning the attention of my family. Matthew grinned toothily at me as he chewed on his on the cake.

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