Suga then explained what Hinata had told him to Daichi. Daichi still didn't want to believe this was happening to Hinata. "And last night it wasn't just a guy who had the wrong address. I don't really don't really know who is he is. But I have a feeling it was the co-worker that turned Hinata's father like he is now. He gave off an aura that felt like a demon. That's why I got scared." Suga explained. "Thanks for telling me this. I know you promised Hinata that you wouldn't tell anyone but now I know what to do if Hinata's acting off." Daichi said. "Also I saw Hinata changing a few days ago...and he had bruises covering his whole back and chest along with a few cuts. It was really painful to see it." Suga replied. "Well it's getting late so you should head home." Daichi said. "Yeah anyways I'll see you on Monday" Suga replied as he opened the front door. Once Suga left Daichi walked over to his room and fell on top of his bed. He then looked back on the day before the semi-finals. "Hinata what happened to your arm there's a huge bruise on it" Noya asked during practice. "It's nothing really I just fell down on the floor and something hit my arm hit something. I'm fine" Hinata replied. Daichi knew that he should of asked Hinata more questions but he didn't. Now look at the situation.

Tsukishima was sitting on top of his bed. He was pretty bored. He had already changed into his Pajamas but he couldn't fall asleep. He sighed and walked over to his desk and turned on his lamp. He put his head down on the desk. He then looked at his bag. He opened it and took out the book and razors. He put the razors in separate baggies and put them on his desk. He then put the book in the center of his desk. He then opened the book to the second page and began reading. After a few pages he knew he was in way to deep. He never really cared for people. The only person really was Yamaguchi. But Hinata was acting off and for once he was worried about someone else. He put a book marker in the journal and put his head in the hands. Hinata was always such a bright sun. He would always impress everyone in the room and would make them laugh. For example Akaashi told him that Bokuto was always childish but Hinata made him really have fun which he was happy about. Even if he was super annoying he always the opponent everyone liked. For example during the match against Johzenji High he over heard Terushima tell Hinata that is was boring to play without him.

Tsukishima reopened the journal and began reading again. "Dear Journal, He's gotten worse. Oka-san and Natsu weren't home because they went to visit our grandmother. I had to stay because of school and volleyball. Of course He came home drunk but he was accompanied with Akuma. Dad went to his room and passed out which wasn't normal I went to go to my room but then Akuma dragged me to the floor. I think I hit my head to hard because I passed out. But next thing I knew it was around 3 am and I was a mess. It made me feel disgusted in myself. I've been thinking for a while if I should end my life. I wouldn't be in pain anymore. My team would be fine probably. But then again it would probably be good to drop out then to end it all. They wouldn't be worried and would probably think I moved schools. That's all for now. 'Sincerely Shoyo'.

Tsukishima didn't want to believe it. He wanted to ended it all? He knew it was this bad but he never thought Hinata would think of that. Tsukishima felt sick to his stomach and held is mouth from crying. Again he always thought Hinata was a joyful person. The only time he saw him down was when they lost. "Kei you okay?" Akiteru asked opening the door. Tsukishima then realized he didn't put away the razors he took from Hinata but it was already to late. "Why are there a bunch of razor blades with blood on your desk..." Akiteru asked in complete shock. "Look I know it looks bad but let me explain!" But Akiteru already ran out their room to get their mom. Tsukishima ran down the stairs and Akiteru was already talking to their mom. "Kei, your doing what!?" She asked in complete shock. "It looks bad I know and its going to be very weird to explain this but, I swear they aren't mine. You can check I don't have scars or nothing! After explaining he finally convinced both of them that he was just cleaning up and found them and put them baggies so they could do Dna test on them. 

He went back to his room and cleaned everything on his desk and put it back in his book bag. He soon went to the bathroom and started to clean he still didn't want to believe what Hinata wrote. He was really willing to end it all just to get the pain done with. He grabbed his phone and started to Daichi.

'Hey are you up?' -Tsukishima

This is very like you, you okay?-Daichi

I found out what's happening to Hinata. -Tsukishima

Same like I suspected Suga knew what was happening. -Daichi

Are you gonna talk to Hinata? -Tsukishima

No, it's gonna be to pushy. Let him come to us. Also how did you find out? -Daichi

Don't want to say anyways I'm heading to bed. Just thought I would let you know. -Tsukishima

Okay then, goodnight.-Daichi

Tsukishima closed his phone and put it on his stand. Soon enough he fell asleep.

Daichi was curious how Tsukishima found out but he knew Tsukishima probably went detective mode and he does not want to mess with Tsukishima once he is in that mode. So like Tsukishima, Daichi decided to go to bed. So he jumped in bed and fell asleep.

My lord that was long o-o. It took around 4 hourse o-o. Anyways you guys are really amazing so I decided to reward you guys with an extra long story. But will Tsukishima ever mind his own business -3-. Honestly it was really hard for me to hurt my Suga baby. Also I looked at what is related to this story and it was a ship story Suga x Hinata. Just so you know that ship isn't gonna happen in this story. Its a motherly love not that kind of love. Anyways we're almost at 400 views which mean soon we'll be at half a thousand guys!!! You guys mean a lot to me with all your love and support for this story and I know I sound extremely cheesy right now but still. I never thought anyone would like this story I thought it would get like I don't know 10-15 views but it didn't so thank you guys. See you guys in the next chapter! I'm out!

Word Count (1973)

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