1:An unexpected arrival

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-Dick pov-

So it was just a normal day, I was at the the cave playing video games with wally, as you do, who had already declared I was cheating like 10 times already.

"You are so hacking it, you little cheat," wally screamed.

"Am not, im just better than you" I replied.

He the tackled me to the ground and we ended up rolling around on the floor when a familiar voice boomed thorough the cave speakers

"Nightwing get to the batcave NOW!" The dark nights voice was panicked and quite frankly so was I, when Bruce was batman he never showed emotion but now you could hear it loud and clear. It was a first.

I jumped off wally and ran to the zetta tubes leaving a confused wally to possess what had just happened
"Recognised: nightwing b-01" the female robotic voice rang through mt. justice as I zetterd away.

(I don't know if that's his number I had to whatch this online untill it stoped working cause my mom wouldn't pay for netfix and now apparently it's not on Netflix which sucks)

As I ran out of the tubes in my civvies and shades I noticed something on the floor what could only be discribed as disturbing.

There was a trail of blood coming from the zetta tubes leading up the a body. A body with ripped clothes. A body covered in cuts and burns. A body wearing the same mask and uniform as
The Red Hood
As in my zombie brother.
As in Jason Todd.

I stood there in horror untill I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Bruce's announcement from the tubes he had come back from the whatchtower

We both rushed over to Jason's body and Bruce called Alfred down that's when I realized that he had 1 gun missing from the Hollister and all his ammo gone
Then hit me
"Bruce.....I think he was out killing again"

"Then this is his own falt" he replied as Alfred had come with medical supplies and had already asked Tim to ready the med bed when he was called down. He stared at Jason in complete shock but snapped out of it quickly and got to work.

Me and Bruce carried Jason to the med bay and what's immediately striped of his leather jacket, torn top and his weapons. Alfred wiped all the excess blood and stiched up his knife and bullet wounds which confirmed my suspicions from before. There were a lot of wounds but not enough to make that much blood.

That's when I noticed something some of his burns and cuts weren't new, yes, the cuts were open but it was as if they had been retraced
and the cuts and scars over his body suggests it wasn't a gang fight it was
Jason had ivy , J's , HAHA, HQ's ,?, All over his body but the wort ones was
'you belong to me-BM' cut into his back
'favourite' written In cursive across his heart dangerously deep.

"Bruce I think he needs to stay with us for a while"I said when Alfred had finished and left
"He'd hate that and you know it, so no"
"We need to something, 'BM' that's black mask, he's probably after him, not to mention the scars on his wrist look self inflicted"

"Fine but if he's here he behaves , he can't leave so we'll put a inhibitor collar on him, it will shock him if he trys to leave or self harm and if he doesn't follow the rules I will shock him till he does" Bruce said. It kind of shocked me but if this was the only way to keep him safe then

"Fine I'll go get the collar" I said in a kind of a dull voice and went to get Tim to make the collar to control Jason.
And yes I did feel bad.

---time skip, cause ----

-jason pov-

I woke up to a 'click' and some machine power on.I didn't move or open my eyes just in case.I just listened to the low talking in the room. To be honest I have pretty good hearing and was able to make out what was being said. Then it clicked it was Tim who was talking. I kept my call and continued to listen
"So if you press this button his element power comes back, you can choose how much he gets back and the power of force he can use, it's this button for his manipulation, this one for his telekinesis and this one for his animal but you can't control the amount he gets back only what he dose with the shock however his eyes will still change colour to alert us of his emotions" Tim said

"And just to be clear he can't leave the house and this one is the taser button" was that dick talking?

It wasn't registering in my head. I tried to focus on someone's mind, not to do anything just as a test. Nothing. Anxiety was slowly building up in me, I was so just to relying on being a meta, to be able to sense people's minds, having that stripped away- well it's like-

"What would you do that for?" Dick yelled

"He was panicking and wasn't listening to you trying to clam him down." Bruce said in a deadly calm tone

"CAN someone please explain why I'm strapped down, why theres metal on my neck, why im powerless and why I am....here.... " I trailed off answering the last question myself already knowing what happened. "Shit"

"Jay ..... What is it?" Tim asks worried

"Black masks coming for me and so is the joker"



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