It hurts

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Elizabeth POV
As I was running home crying I was thinking if my father was there. As soon as I open the door I see him drunk in the couch.

"Elizabeth what are you doing here so early and wet" he slurred

"Oh well I had a small accident"i said softly Hoping he wouldn't try anything on me.

"Oh okay"

That's weird i thought but shrug it off and changed. I was deciding if I should go back to school. I mean I just started off today and skipping school is a no no for me. So I just put on a new uniform just so when my sisters come back then i can at least pretend like i just arrived. Soon enough I hear loud steps going to my room. My father slammed the door open and yelled at me.

"Mary I thought I told you to never come back here again!!" He yelled.

Mother? No no "father no look it's me Elizabeth mom isn't here your just drunk" i tried to tell him as he got closer.

"So your trying to lie to me again" he grabbed my hair and tossed me to the wall hitting the larger mirror. He threw me hard enough to break it and a shard some how pierced my skin on my back. He started to beat me up by kicking and punching. I had to find a way and get out. So I grabbed my lamp and hit him with it on the head. But only hard enough for him to pass out. I ran to get my bag and out the house. Well looks like I'm going to school. As soon as I get there I didn't even realize the pain in my back. Oh no please tell me I'm not bleeding I thought. I heading to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was bleeding but the shard Is still in there. I tried to get it out but my hands didn't reach the spot. Great now what. I'll just I have carry my back pack on me so no one sees it. After a while i covered the bruises that were made in the last couple of minutes and ran to the class. When I was right outside the door I took a deep breath and went inside to find pairs of eyes looking me.

"Ah Elizabeth I thought you left after what I heard that happened" the teacher said glaring at meliodas. Making the smile he had before I walked in fade.

"Um n-no I just went to um go change" I stuttered.

"Very well then at least you came now go to your seat please" he gestured my seat. As I walked I can hear whispers about me and how I came back. I tried to make my pain on my back not noticeable. Little did I know I had to take my backpack off me to get my things out. I sat down thinking of a way while meliodas stared and me. "What are you doing here?" He said in a cold voice. "I go to this school" I said softly remembering what happened earlier. He stayed quiet as the class continued. I managed to get my things without people seeing the gash of blood I have on my uniform. Don't ask me how cause I don't know either. Class ended and it was time for second lunch. Meliodas made his way to a group of 6 other students and talked. I know they were talking about me. Why because I heard my name multiple time.

Soon they left to lunch and I stay in the class room because one I didn't bring any food and two I have no one like always. I started to feel dizzy so I put my head down and took a small nap.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder that make me flinch. I'm look up to a girl with brunette hair that is in ponytails and violet purple eyes. Not to mention she was from the group meliodas was in.

"Uhh my I help you?" I asked

"My name is Diane and I couldnt help but notice that you were alone so I wanted to ask if I can sit with you" she said with such happiness. I wish I had that. "Oh sure you can" I said with a small smile. Wow maybe I can make one friend. We talked and talked. She kept talking about a boy named king and how she likes him. She was ranting about him but suddenly stopped with her eyes wide open.

"What? What's wrong" I ask alittle surprise she stopped all of a sudden.

" that blood dripping down your back"she said shaken up. I froze and then slowly looked to the ground to find a puddle of blood under my seat.

Oh no not good

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