The Secret

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I know, that was a bad way to leave you hanging. Sorry I'm not sorry. So, where was I? Ah, yes, I remember now. I was telling you about Jonathon. Jonathon is basically the guy that all girls want. We met in a study group. I tutored him, and he slowly actually began to catch up to the rest of our grade. I had an immediate crush on him, but it took him awhile to reciprocate. Awhile as in two years. The study group was discontinued because they cut our snack funding. A bunch of the jocks that had begun to catch up left because they only joined for free food. Jonathon was pressured into leaving, but we still met once a week at a little coffee shop not too far off of Main Street.

So yeah, now I'm dating Jonathon Myers.

We kept our relationship private. It still is private. We don't hold hands at school, have any physical contact at all, or acknowledge each other. We don't even wave to one another.

Toxic relationship much?

I don't really think of it as toxic.

At the beginning, it was really exciting.

But you don't even know the story yet. Maybe I should tell you.

Basically, one afternoon at the coffee shop, he kept acting stranger than usual. Keep in mind that Jonathon is usually pretty strange. The conversation that got us where we are today went along the lines of:

"So, Marcielle, are you free on Friday?"

"I should be, why are you asking?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He sucked in a deep breath. "Look, this is gonna sound strange, but, well, I, uh-"

"Me too."

"You don't even know what I was going to say!"

"Werent you going to say that you wanted to come back to the coffee shop because the coffee here is so amazing??"

"Well, no. I, um....I..."

"Like me. I know."

Jonathon arches an eyebrow now. "H-how?"

"That's what happens when you like someone. You can sometimes read their emotions. By the way, I saw this advice online: Finally!"

"Um, okay, I guess you feel the same way?"

"I mean, yeah?"

"So, are we, like, ya know, dating?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to?"

"I'm fine with it. Are you?"


"Okayyyyy, soooooooo....I haven't exactly been in a relationship before, for obvious reasons. Are we gonna like kiss and hold hands and stuff?"

"Well, I can't exactly go out..."

"Well, I'm not telling my parents."

"Never in a million years would I tell my parents."

"Okay then. But are we gonna kiss? Hug? Hold hands?" I was blushing so hard that my face was about to split in half and produce who-knows-what.

"Look, Marce, I don't want to tell the people at school. You aren't a bad person, it's just, well, I think you know."

"Yes, I do. But if you keep it a secret, you better keep it a secret. Your best friends can't know. But you also can't date other girls, even if it is a secret. My only other rule is don't hurt me or hit me."

"Will do, Captain. And we can hug and hold hands. But I haven't exactly had great experience with kissing, so let's leave that with a maybe."


A/N: Was that any better by chance?

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