Do i like him?

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hEy, so like i gave up, for a while sorry, and i don't really know what this story is about 😂. Uh enjOy?

It was then morning, you woke up and decided to make some pancakes with random ingredients you found in Anthony's kitchen. Anthony was still asleep though, you decided to go check on him. You opened the door to his room slowly, and there you saw him sleeping. "he looks so cute.." you thought  to yourself. "Ew, what am i saying??" you then turned around to walk out of his room, you then continued making the pancakes. After a few minutes Anthony came out of his room. "Mmm.. it smells good! What're you making?" He asked excitedly. "Oh, you're awake! I'm making pancakes!" You said. "ooOoO!" Said Anthony. He then sat down at the table. He got on his phone and scrolled through TikTok. You then set the Pancakes on the table. Looking at Anthony you thought, "He is kind of cute..." you gazed at him. "Oh uh, i'll go wash my hands and get ready to eat!" Said Anthony all shy. "Oh okay." you said. You then ate. Anthony day down and you kept thinking. "I'm so lucky to be his roommate" "He's so perfect" "Aww" "cute.." "cAn hE tHroW iT bAcK oN mE doE?" "Do i like him?" "AWWwwW cuteeee!!!" You just thought and thought. You then realized you probably looked like a weirdo since you were just staring at him. You got up and wash your dish. He then gave you his dish to wash, he headed to his room. After washing the dishes you went to his room, and asked if you guys could film a TikTok together since you were bored. He agreed! You both then filmed a TikTok and posted it. After that y'all just talked and continued filming random TikToks. That lasted about 1 hour. You then left his room to watch some Netflix. Later on he came out and joined you. It was a bit cold. He then left and came back with a Blanket. He then asked in the cutest most innocent voice , "Would you like to cuddle with me...? It's kind of cold.." "Sure!" you said all happy. You both then cuddled while watching 'Strong Woman Do Bong Soon' time passed by and Anthony ended up falling asleep. You then looked at him, and thought "Awww! cute.." You then decided to try to take him to his room. You then carried him, "he isn't that heavy" you thought. You then opened the door to his room and placed him on his bed. You then put his head against the pillow and covered him with the blanket. You then leaned in to his kiss his forehead. "bridbridbrisbdie what did i just do-" You freaked out, and immediately left his room. "ahAHaAhA" You laughed nervously, while standing outside his door. "What time is it?" you thought. "Oh shi- its 11:57 PM" You then got ready for bed, and scrolled through TikTok for a while. You then decided to check the time again, and realized it was 4:47 AM. "I- Did i really just scroll for like 3-4 hours- oh welll" You then went to bed.

      [Authors Note: bfjdbidbrir i'm sorry for not working on this for a while! i really suck at keeping up with stuff 😅 im still going to try to continue uploading! anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i feel like it was a bit wack. but it's okay. have a nice day! stay safe from the coronavirus 🥺 make sure you're eating well too and getting enough sleep! bye! 💕💓💖💞💘💗💗]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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