The Lamp

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It all started when I went into this tigers mouth, like a cave but not, there was this rock that towered over all the others and on this rock there was a lamp kinda looked like that dish you pour gravy out of but it was gold like all the other things in the cave but this one thing stuck out like a sore thumb. I climbed all the way to the top while my monkey stayed at the bottom looking at all the other treasures, once I reached the top I picked it up and there was a piece of dust on it so I rubbed it off and this blue fog started coming out of the lamp. "What the fuck, who are you, what are you. " I yelled, " Ok 1st off that hurts, 2nd I'm a genie like those people who grant wishes and all that fun stuff. " The blue fog said. "So u can talk that's kinda creepy. " I said sarcastically, " Yea I can talk what did you think this was some CGI shit, hell nah I real as fuck. " Said Genie, " So you got a name? " I asked, "nope just genie but I like to call myself Will Smith, sounds like a cool name right?" The Genie said, "Um I don't know if you know but Will Smith is an actual person, now that I think of it you look like him." I said kinda confused, "Wait really I must be sexy as hell!" Will (genie) Smith said, "Oh that's hot." I said jokingly not knowing that he knew what it meant but he did and he laughed so hard it echoed in the cave. "Sorry bout that, but that was hilarious." Will said, "Thanks!" I said blushing. Why was I blushing I shouldn't be blushing but come on its Will Smith look-a-like. That's when I realized...

To be continued
In a little bit

Hey guys um this is going to be really different from all of my other writings there will be cussing if you couldn't already see and it's go to go from 0 to 100 real quick so strap in
*this is all a joke that I took a little bit to serious between me and a friend while watching the new Aladdin* 🤣🤣

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