Day 2

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[Day 2 (Sana's Cancer)]

Sana woke up in a hospital bed with hospitalized clothes on. It had a very disgusting pattern like all the other hospitals do. Sana groans and sits up, her chest starts to hurt for a while then stops for a split second. "These chest pains are killing me.." Her voice sounds a bit raspy in the morning like all the other mornings. Sana was breathless from these chest pains.

Then the door opens slowly, Sana saw a shadow of a body. Tzuyu shows up, she closes the door behind her and sits down next to Sana on the chair. "I got you some McDonald's for breakfast. Not sure what you wanted but just got you a number two and hash browns and a cup of water." Tzuyu hands Sana the food and puts her drink on the counter. Sana covers herself with the blanket and shamelessly accepts the kind offer and eats her food.

Tzuyu suddenly winces and quickly puts her hand over her heart. Sana's eyes dart at Tzuyu, she scoffs. "You got the same problem as me huh?" Sana sips her water carefully. Tzuyu chuckles from Sana's Korean.

"Depends on what problem we both might be facing together." Tzuyu smirks. Sana rolls her eyes once again.

"Heart cancer, you got it too huh? It's common for women to have them, the doc quoted. Also, there is no 'we' or 'together' or 'us'. You and I just met last night because you  kept on bothering me after a million times of me denying to accept you as my 'friend'." Sana exhales after speaking so much, felt like she was rapping.

"I have no friends here -"

"Maybe because you're creepy." Sana interrupts Tzuyu.

"Your attitude needs to be fixed. Anyways, there is nobody out here my age, you seem young or at least my age." Tzuyu assumes that Sana is 22 or 23. "I'm 20." Sana chokes on her water for a second until Tzuyu softly pats Sana's back.

"So I'm older..." Sana mutters.

"So you're older than me?" Tzuyu obviously knew that Sana would be her unnie.

"Yeah. Duh." Sana mutters again. Tzuyu couldn't hear Sana well.

"Maybe try speaking up a bit more?" Tzuyu suggests as a joke. Sana took it not as one instead.

"Yes! I am older than you!" Sana glares at Tzuyu then continues to munch on her hash browns. Tzuyu giggles. "You have a dimple?" Sana was a bit fond of dimples and loved dimples. She finds them a bit cute.

"Yep, I do." Tzuyu pokes her dimple, it provoked Sana to do so too but she refused it.

"Your dimple may be the only thing I admire about you. Dimples are quite cute." Sana happily crumbles up the hash brown wrapper and goes onto her McMuffin. Tzuyu grabs the balled up wrapped and throws it in the trash can to prevent cock roaches or ants in Sana's room. Just in case.

"Dimples are cute. I am glad I have one instead of none." Tzuyu smiles ear-to-ear after hearing Sana compliment her in the most tsundere way.

"Why are you so happy when your life will end as you know it? There's no fun in dying at the age of 20." Sana felt bothered by Tzuyu's optimistic and bubbly personality. It felt like she was facing her high school self.

"Live your life to the extent. Make the bag things into good things. Take the worst things in  your life and make it into good things. A girl taught me that." Now Tzuyu was starting to sound like some dramatic motivational speaker which clearly didn't touch Sana's cold heart.

"Okay shut up. I don't wanna hear your heart-to-heart speech." Sana shushes Tzuyu up from her blabbering.

"I believe it's time for me to go," Tzuyu rolls up her hospital sleeve and points at her wrist, she had no watch on. Sana cocks her head in confusion. "Have a awful blessing day Irrelevant." Tzuyu stood up and hurriedly walked out the door, she heard Sana murmur under her breath a 'thank god'. Tzuyu's dimple pops up yet again from her smile. She made her first friend or acquaintance who'll soon-to-be her friend hopefully, Tzuyu thought.

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