Chapter 2 - Pursuit

Start from the beginning

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance. "

"Can't say the same." He says under his breath.

I begin the next morning with meditation. I pull my lightsaber out and examine the crystal. It's glowing a little blue around the black Terresta. I place the saber on the floor. I place a hand over it and levitate the saber. I place my other hand under the hilt and begin to imbue it with the force.

"Ziir!" My master shouts with fear trembling her voice.

"Why would you let them take me?"

"Lost, abandon, betrayed!"

"No, I will take back what's mine!"

I feel the crystals crack in the hilt. I can feel the blemish in the crystal. I've completed the bond with the crystal through the force and the crack in the crystal hurts me. I'm not sure in what way, but it hurts. I slowly reach for the saber in excitement. I grip the hilt; so much power dwells in such a simple construct. The ebony wooden grip smooth to the touch. Two golden ferrules outline the handle. The hilt fits very well in one hand and is long enough to hold with two hands comfortably. In the middle of the saber is a glass crystal chamber containing the phond crystal. I glance into the chamber and examine the cracks in the crystal. Some of the cracks seem to run deep but it looks to be ok. I ignite the saber and the hilt immediately burns my hand. The blade reverts as I drop it. My hand throbs in pain from the second-degree burns.

"Blades unstable. Needs a place for excess energy to go or the hilt will blow up in my hand."

I take the saber to the workbench and take the end cap off the end of the hilt and fit it with multiple metal rings. I take and ignite the blade again. The blade burns a very alluring, bright, purple color; yet the center of the blade is black like a starless night. It's quite mesmerizing and easy to get lost in. The blade is unstable so instead of a solid blade it has more of a fiery, electrical effect visually to it but the integrity is all the same. The hilt has some heat behind it but the exhaust, which is more fiery than electrical keeps the saber at a safe temperature. I retract the blade and attach it to a leather holster on my lower back that my master made for me a while ago when teaching me about lightsabers. I kick hatchet in his boot as he snores

"Can you fly?" I ask.

"It's about time." Replies hatchet.

"Where did you say your crew was going?"


I fly us out of the Kalleran atmosphere and pass the controls over to Hatchet. He sets a course for Coruscant and initiates the hyperdrive. He leans back in the captains' chair and turns to me. I holster a blaster on my hip and sit down in the co-pilots chair.

"Where you from kid?"

"Kaller," I respond swiftly. He takes his helmet off his head. His skin is fair and eyes are full of disbelief.

"You were born on Kaller? That's hard to believe son! Kaller is home to those green-skinned, green-eyed, three-fingered and toed freaks! You hear me! They don't even have a nose!" I point my blaster at his face.

"I may not be a Kalleran by biology but I've been raised Kalleran and the Kalleran you took is the closest thing I have to a Mother and the only person I have in this galaxy. Speak Ill of Kaller or Kallerans and I will clean you off these walls. Understood?"

"Did she teach you how to be intimidating? 'Cause it needs work." I Ignite my lightsaber at his throat. "You know why I know you won't touch me?" I stare at him blankly. "You need me to get to Coruscant. Without me, you won't get very far." I chuckle.

"Master always told me I never think far enough ahead. So don't be too cocky."

"...Alright, see now that's — that's scary. Unpredictability. I love it!" The ship beeps. "We've made it!

He brings the ship out of lightspeed. The ship whines and the G-force drops tremendously. Abruptly, a planet appears before us. The lights of the city are visible from the ship. I sit on the edge of my seat silent because words can't describe the artistry of a creation like this. I sit in awe that I've made it this far. I have never been off of Kaller and now I'm light years away about to travel a foreign planet for the first time without Zara.

We touch down at a landing pad in Coruscant. The moon lights the sky and the city lights the street. Even from the hanger, you can smell the aroma of street food being prepared for pedestrians. I feel like I'm on vacation. We walk out of the hangers toward the city.

"Listen kid I'm not holding your hand through this the whole time. I have to meet back up with my group so we can get our next job. This where we are gonna have to part ways."

"Who did you get the job from?"

"I can't tell you that!"

"But you're going to."

"Says who?" Lightning begins to flicker at the tips of my fingers.

"Says me!"

"I can give you a name but that's it."

"I'll take it."

Hatchet begins to write in the dirt. T-I-Y-È. He puts his finger over his mouth and backs away from the word.

"You'll be alright kid!" Also, you might not want to be to... flashy if you know what I mean. Locals don't take to kindly to your kind."

I nod as he turns and departs from me. I walk out of the hanger and find myself already in the middle of the city. Kids run back and forth playing on the sidewalks. Merchants sell street food in populated streets, alleys, and some sidewalks. The hustle and bustle is unlike anything I've ever seen on Kaller. Kallers population doesn't even remotely compare to Coruscant. I can't help but grin as I walk through the streets of the brobdingnagian metropolis. Walking, feelings of fear, unfamiliarity, anger, panic, hatred, and hostility, while also feeling awe, joy, excitement, amusement, and satisfaction. My vision goes fuzzy, my thoughts feel like they're being sucked from my brain like someone's opened the airlock on a ship and I'm being forced out. The weight of my eyelids becomes unbearable, pain pounds pitilessly on the front part of my cranium. I turn down an alley and collapsed against a brick wall.

"Hey, wrong place, wrong time. You should leave if you know what's good for you! Hey, you liste—" sound fades away

"Acknowledge us!"

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