Chapter 2

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You sat in a restaurant with Alfredo next to you meanwhile Frankie and Ariana sitting across from you.

A young female waitress walked up to your table... She had long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, a white shirt and black apron was around her body. If you were completely honest she was attractive...

"Hello, have you decided what you want?" The waitress asked with a forced smile on her face.

Everyone gave in their orders, you lastly. The waitress winked at you right before she turned around and walked away. You looked around the table and Ariana seemed to glare at the back of the waitress while Alfredo and Frankie just simply chattered away.

"You alright, Ariana?" You asked confused.

"Yeah... I'm fine." She replied with a sweet smile on her face.

The four of you got into a conversation literally about everything and anything. Once your food arrived you silenced yourself by stuffing food into your mouth. You were absolutely starving after today, the other three at the table continued the conversation... The waitress returned once you were all finished eating.

"Can I have the check please?" You asked her and she smiled sincerely this time, nodding her head in confirmation.

Seconds later she came back with the check and a small napkin... On the napkin was a small message written.

Call me 555-732-0258
-Erin xoxo

You put the napkin away and took your wallet out. It wasn't the first time some random waitress or cashier gave you their number with a demand for a call. You were the one and only Y/N Y/L/N and you were definitely attractive.

"What's that?' Ariana wondered curiously, pointing at the napkin.

"Just some message from the waitress." You responded as if it was nothing.

"Let's see." Frankie said and tried to grab the napkin from your hand. You knew that if Alfredo would try he'd be able to grab the napkin without an issue.

You put the napkin in your wallet before Alfredo got the idea to grab the note. You paid for the meal and the four of you left.

"So what did the note say?" Ariana wanted to know once the four of you were walking back to the parking lot.

"Nothing special, don't worry about it." You answered meanwhile Ariana nodded shyly.

You all said your goodbyes before the three of them got in their car and you got into yours, you went your different ways. You couldn't stop thinking about Ariana's cute smile and her beautiful brown eyes, the sound of her voice still clear in your mind.... You couldn't wait to see her again.

*A few hours later*

The week before the tour went by quickly and before you knew it you were packing, you packed all your favourite stuff. Your clothes, your favourite shoes, your favourite shampoo and even your childhood stuffed animal.

After finishing up you grabbed your suitcases and put everything in your car. You drove to the airport where your tour manager was waiting.

"Wassup man." You greeted Andrew with a handshake. You were in a good mood today cause your tour was starting in a few days and you were super excited to see all the fans again.

"Hey Y/L/N, ready for the tour?' Your tour manager asked.

"I'm more than ready. I've never been more excited to get back on the road." You responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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