2》Slytherins and Gryffindors

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After her meal, Haley got up, not waiting for Draco to finish. Draco, determined to do his favor for Snape in flying colors, swallowed his food before rushing up to Haley.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, angrily, grabbing her wrist again.

And again, Haley pulled her wrist out of the blonde's grasp. "What's it to you?"

"I'm supposed to watch you." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Then watch. Don't follow." Haley turned again and walked over to the Gryffindor table.

Draco groaned before walking over to Professor Snape.

Haley was searching for the familiar red hair and frizzy brown hair. She spotted her two best friends sitting across from Ginny, Seamus and Dean. Seamus was the first to spot the girl and he stood up and held out a hand.

"Hello, there, Haley. The name's Seamus Finnigan. Welcome to the Gryffindor table. To my right is Miss Ginny Weasley and to my left is Dean Thomas. The red head next to you is Ron Weasley and next to him is his girlfriend, Hermione Granger, Head Girl." Everyone turned to look at the girl. Ron nearly burst into laughter at the sight of his best friend looking entirely like a girl but stopped himself when Hermione elbowed him in the ribs.

Haley shook Seamus's hand and smiled. "Hello, Seamus. Pleased to meet you, all." She said looking each and every one of them in the eye.

"So Haley, what brings a Slytherin to the Gryffindor table? Don't you know that you're supposed to despise us?" Seamus asked.

"Seamus! Don't start a quarrel between Haley and the Gryffindors. She's new!" Ginny poked the Irish boy in the arm.

"Oh, I know all about the quarrel between the two houses." Haley smiled and took a seat next to Ron. "You lot seem more intelligent to converse with, though."

"You've got that right!" Ron laughed as well as the others. Hermione gave Haley a disapproving look.

"Haley, do you think we could go talk somewhere?" Hermione said. It wasn't a question, more like a command.

Haley nodded and followed Hermione as well as Ron.

"Bye Haley! It was nice meeting you!" Seamus called. Haley turned and waved at the three left at the table.

Once outside the Great Hall Hermione spun around to face Haley. "Harry! You're supposed to be Slytherin. Take pride in your house!"

"I do!" The girl countered. "I'm very proud of being a Gryffindor! My true house."

"Harry, mate. I think Hermione's just trying to say that you shouldn't back talk where you're staying. I mean, the situation you're in is a little complicated and if the Slytherins hear that you've insulted them, things'll look a lot worse."

"Exactly!" Hermione said. "That's why you need to take pride in the house you're in right now. The Slytherins hate Harry Potter, they don't need to hate Haley Jones, which, by the way, I think, is the cutest name and suits you very well." She said this all in one breath.

"I didn't get to choose my name." Haley pouted. "Snape chose it."

"Blimey!" Ron laughed. "Good taste in names, that man has!"

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