Happy Birthday, Satan

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Surprisingly for him, he saw his brothers were all in the dining. Eating and chatting like normal. As if nothing was wrong at all. He contemplated if he should even go inside the dining room. Maybe leaving them alone would be better? They seem so happy... would not eating really kill him? He is a demon born of wrath after all... he couldn't die from not eating. Even if he could, would it really be a bad thing? He should just stay in his room forever...

"Hey, Satan! Ya' just gonna stand there or ya' gonna come eat with us?" Satan heard Mammon's voice, and quickly jumped a bit at his words.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." He made his way over to the table, and took his seat. "..." He served himself some breakfast, as well as tea, and began to eat. Not saying another word to his brothers.

"Huh? Uh, I was just jokin' with ya' Satan. Don't gotta get all emotional 'bout it." Mammon said, before looking into Satan's eyes. They were red and puffy. Mammon's own eyes widened in worry for his brother. "Hey, did ya' sleep alright, bro? Cause ya' look like ya' been cryin'..."

Satan paused his eating for a moment. "... I'm perfectly fine... none of you need to worry about me." "I'm not even your real brother... just your older brothers mistake..." Satan thought, but didn't say.

"... If ya' say so, bro..." Mammon muttered.

Satan continued eating, and got some more tea to drink, before Belphie spoke. "Hey, Satan, wanna get to our meeting of the Anti-Lucifer League! I have some great ideas for pranks, I know you'll just love to hear them!" He said, excited.

"I'm right here, you know." Lucifer said, annoyed.

Satan sighed. "I'm not really up for a meeting today... I'm pretty hungry right now, I'm just gonna eat, and go back to my room."

Everyone's eyes widened.

Belphegor frowned. "But the pranks! Think about the look on Lucifer's face! It's priceless! Just a minute of your time at the-"

"Enough, Belphegor." Satan stood up, got some pie from the fridge, and a lot of tea, and then walked back to his room.

All the brothers looked back and forth between each other as Satan shut the door to his room.

"... Did Satan really just imply he DOESN'T want to prank me?" Lucifer said with wide eyes. "Ugh, I had better go talk to him."

Belphegor frowned. "But I wanted to prank Lucifer today..." He said sadly.

"And Belphie, you're grounded." Lucifer stated in slightly angered tone.

Beelzebub was the next to speak. "Maybe I could make him some more pie! I'm sure that should cheer him up!"

Asmodeus rolled his eyes. "The way to everyone's heart isn't through their stomach like yours, Beel."

"Well, we have to try something! Satan is clearly upset about something!" Leviathan said. "Maybe he-... wait, did anyone even talk to Satan yesterday?" Leviathan asked.

"... The only one I talked to was Lilith..." Beel stated, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Lilith and you guys..." Added Mammon.

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