"You're probably anaemic through not eating properly, that's why your tired." Heikki said suddenly. Chloe's head swiftly turned in his direction.

"I'm sorry? When I want your input, I'll ask for it. I'm tired and sick because I'm pregnant, not that it's any of your business." She turned and walked away, not giving either of them another glance.

"I'm sorry." Seb sighed and leant back against the counter, wearily rubbing his forehead. "Things are a bit difficult at the moment, she's quite fragile."

"It's ok, I understand." Heikki looked to the door that she'd left through and then at Seb's pained expression. It seemed that a full on training schedule might be off the cards for a while, it was clear that his focus was going to be very much else where. "Why don't we take a seat and you can run me through your past schedule and routines that Antti took you through, then we'll go through the diet plans."


It was getting dark when Chloe eventually ventured back downstairs, looking at the case in the hall it was clear that Heikki was still here and with no one about as she entered the lounge she figured that both men must be in the gym. Walking through into the kitchen she could hear the rhythmic thumping of music coming from the gym and she sighed as she headed to the coffee machine. This is fucking typical. He makes my family fly home so that he can supposedly spend time alone with me and then he decides to start his new training schedule the same day. Bastard. She popped a pod into the machine and then placed her mug underneath it, she waited patiently while her drink was dispensed and then took it to sit at the breakfast bar. Having heard from her mum via a text to say that they'd landed safely and then another one to say they'd got back home ok, her mood was only slightly better and she'd managed to get about an hours sleep. Looking at her phone, she decided to have a flick through Instagram and Pinterest and before she knew what she was doing she found herself looking at images of Seb. Gorgeous, handsome Seb. Maybe she'd been a bit harsh on him, maybe her parents really were trying to give her a not-so-gentle shove forward in her recovery and help her to start to rebuilding things with him. But then maybe he'd orchestrated this whole thing just to get her alone and try to force her into remembering things.
"You've got the real thing through there, you know." Heikki stopped beside her and pointed in the direction of the gym, making her jump.

"How long have you been in here?" She locked her screen quickly.

"Only a minute or so. Did you not hear me come out of the gym?" He went to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water.

"No." She answered glumly.

"Did you get any sleep up there?"

"A little."

"If you've got the ingredients here, I know a great iron boosting smoothie I can whip up for you." He offered. "It's not good for a pregnant lady like yourself to be anaemic."

"You should get back to Seb." She went back to looking at her phone. It should be him out here looking after me, not you.

"I'm sure he won't mind me taking a few minutes to make you a smoothie." He put the bottles down and spying the fruit bowl, was quick to grab a banana and an orange from it. "I just need some spinach, some yogurt, chia seeds and ice cubes." He flashed her a smile as he gracefully navigated his way around the kitchen as if he'd always lived here, grabbing what he needed from the fridge and freezer and finding chia seeds in a cupboard. "He still keeps stuff in the same places." He muttered to himself while starting to peel the banana before chopping it up and dropping it into a blender. He noticed how she hadn't turned down his offer to make this for her but she'd fallen silent and looked sad, lonely and like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders while looking at her phone. "I used to make this for my girlfriend when she was pregnant with our daughter." He said, trying to get her talking.

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