One- Mystery Meat

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Two teenage girls stood shoulder to shoulder outside of Casper High, both a bit intimidated at the fact that the school was bigger than their old one. The girls were Chelsea and Evelyn McAlister, though they didn't look at all like sisters to begin with. Chelsea had chocolate brown hair that fell to her waist in length, a beautifully fair complexion and brown eyes that matched her hair. She was also wearing neatly done makeup, unlike her younger sister.

Evelyn McAlister took after her mother, having reddish brown hair that reached only to her shoulders as far as length went, naturally ringlet curled normally but she had opted to let her sister straighten her hair that morning (not like she really had much of a chance to refuse), and her eyes were a dark chocolate brown with emerald green flecks. Freckles dusted across her face just under both her eyes and the bridge of her nose. Other than a dark red lip gloss, Evelyn had no makeup on, her complexion being between a pale and a fair tone. While Chelsea had on an outfit that would be considered on the border line of school appropriate, Evelyn had on black combat boots, dark blue jeans, and a black band t shirt with a black beanie at the back of her head. "Ev, come on, let's get this over with." Chelsea told her sister, taking the first step forward with Evelyn on her trail. As soon as Chelsea's wedges first clacked against the tile flooring of the school, all the attentions of boys their age turned toward her. Chelsea barely even spared any of them a second glance... That is... Except for a tall blond with blue eyes who looked like he was a football player or something. While the blond stared at her in awe, Chelsea shot him a flirty glance with a smirk before doing a hair flip and walking away with her head high. Evelyn rolled her eyes at the action, especially when the blond's cheeks went red. Chelsea covered a giggle as she went to the main office with her sister close behind.

"Can you not flirt with guys while I'm right behind you? You know I hate being the center of attention, especially when it's because of you." Evelyn quipped.

"Oh, get over it." Chelsea remarked in response, before turning to the secretary at the desk. "Hi, I'm Chelsea McAlister, this is my sister Evelyn. We're here to get our schedules for today. "

"Ah, yes, the McAlister girls.... We've been expecting the two of you." She replied as she swiveled around in her chair, turning to a filing cabinet and pulling out two pieces of paper, giving one to Chelsea and the other to Evelyn. "Here are your schedules, dearies, and this," She gave them both a different paper, "is the map of the school to help you find your classes as well as your locker assignments. Welcome to Casper High, girls."

"Thank you." Evelyn replied softly.

"Thank you very much." Chelsea said a bit louder at the same time as Evelyn before the girls left the main office. Once back in the halls, Cheslea compared their schedules. "I knew this was going to happen, we only have one class together..." Cheslea sighed a bit in frustration. "We don't even have lockers in the same area..."

"Don't worry, Chels, I can find my other classes. I'll see you later." Evelyn tried reassuring her sister with a brave smile, but Chelsea's brow only furrowed.

"Are you absolutely..."

"Yes, I'm sure." Evelyn interrupted. Chelsea sighed.

"Fine, just try to stay out of the football players' and the cheerleaders' ways. I don't want you getting beat up again like you were at our last school." Chelsea told her.

"I won't." Evelyn waved off her sister. But, as soon as her sister rounded the corner, Evelyn gulped a bit. She hated going to new schools, specifically since 1. She was so plain looking compared to her goregous sister and 2. She could never get to her classes without having a run in with a bully on the first day. It was her curse... Every school year at a new school started with Evelyn telling Chelsea that she'd be fine to find her class on her own, but then as soon as Chelsea left her side, her bad luck brought her to run into the school bully... It happened everytime she went to a new school... She shook it off and decided to look for her locker first. Maybe this year would be different.... This was Amity Park, after all... Her hometown.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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