The Day Before The Day

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Third Person POV

Tomorrow was the test. A day on the battlefield. This separates the weak from the strong. You could die on this, but everyone here decided that they would take this chance.

"Tomorrow is the big day. The day that separates the weak from the strong. The day that the Tower Alliance will recruit. The day, that could be your last. For this day, you will take in all your training and prepare. The R&D facility, armoury, and many others are open and you are authorised to enter. Everyone will have quality food, in case tomorrow is your last day. May God bless you." Commander announced.

Everyone was chattering. Most went to prepare. Others started writing letters home to loved ones telling them that tomorrow might be their last day. Aviator immediately went to the aeronautics laboratory.

"Ah, Aviator." welcomed Doc Brown as Aviator walked into the laboratory. (sorry for unoriginal name)

"G'day, Doc!"

"You're here for your bi-plane for the test, is that correct?"

"Yep, let's see what your brains have made."

A big screen showed up, with a picture of Aviator's red bi-plane.

"This is your plane currently."

The screen then cut out to show a dark red, sleek, mono-plane.

"This is Project Eagle. Project Eagle is a fast, nimble, aerodynamic mono-plane with a rapid firing a 50 calibre machine gun."

Aviator was interested.

"Project Eagle is fitted with Body Thermal Scanning and Wireless Neural Information Transmitter. Intel about the Zombies shows a hidden to the naked eye zombie that is weak, but due to its stealth, deadly. This can be overcome with body thermal scanning. Unfortunately, not everyone has this scanning equipment. That's when the W-NIT comes in. W-NIT can transfer body thermal scans to their brain, forming an image in their eye which only shows thermals of hiddens. Your plane can help the Alliance spot hidden zombies."

"Niiiice. Like, shit, you're like Elon Musk."

"Please don't compare me to the greatest man ever. But, I'll show you Project Eagle for you to have a joyride."

Aviator was excited and ecstatic! He was lead to the hangar in which, there it was. Project Eagle.

Aviator's POV

Holy. Fucking. Shit. This is beautiful. This is amazing! This is-

"Go and have a joyride!" Brown then interrupted, a smile on his face.

Well, I kinda snapped.


"Sorry. Joyride when you're ready."

Brown then left the hangar, back into the lab. As I was relishing this, beautiful plane, I grabbed my radio, and with the most serious voice I can, which, to be honest isn't serious at all, requested to takeoff..

"Requesting authorisation for takeoff."

Control then responded.

"Aviator, are you using Project Eagle?"


"Go ahead. Try to bring it in mint condition."

"I sure will."

While I was gazing upon the controls as the plane was refuelled and taxi'd, I was enjoying it, even before I took off.

"You may take off."

Oooh boy. Let's go!

Scout's POV

"Hey Scout, look up!" Aviator said over the radio.

Huh? I looked up and I saw a dark red plane soaring over the base. Must be Aviator. And MUST be having the time of his life.

Well, for this day, I don't wanna do a lot. I just want to spend time with my girlfriend. You know, Cryo.

Cryo was in the barracks, writing something I came up to her and said hi.



"What you doing?"

"Oh, just writing a letter to my ex."

I peeked at the letter. What I could see was:

Dear Jake,

You fucking softcock, you were a giant ass bitch and a crybaby. Mate there is no chance you fucking hopeless dickhead. I would say you were a fatass, but you're spending your time trying to get with me instead of being a lazy fatass. Just stick to being a fatass for fuck's sake!

Well, that was, aggressive.

"Actually, I want to spend time with you, you know, before I'm dead." Cryo then told me, standing up.

"Trust me, you're not dying. Not on my watch."

"So, you're willing to take a bullet for me?"


Cryo blushed.

"Awww, thanks Scoutie~"

I love Cryo, she's cute and kind.

"Have you seen Aviator in that plane?"

"Heard, but definitely not seen."

"Fair enough."

"So, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know..."

Third Person POV

A thought crossed Cryo's mind.

"No, no I shouldn't" she thought

"But then again, tomorrow might be the last day, and he could be good..."

That's when Mercenary and Commando went in the barracks, drunk with vodka.

"Прежде чем мы умрем, как насчет того, чтобы устроить чертову вечеринку!" Mercenary said.

"Черт, да, товарищ, давайте пить, как будто это конец света!" Commando replied back.

Scout and Cryo were confused, but Cryo saw that they had an esky, and she had an idea.

"Hey, can you get me a bottle?"

"Теперь она говорит!"

Commando tossed a bottle of strong vodka to Cryo.

"Uh, why drink vodka all of a sudden?" Scout asked.

Cryo thought of her intentions with Scout, then chugged the bottle.

It didn't take long before Cryo was drunk. But, Mercenary and Commando left, so she can do what she wanted to do.


"This is a bad sign, isn't it."

"You know, I'm wanting some Italian. Your sausage should do fine in me~"

"Oh, um,"

Scout was flustered. Cryo had never seduced him, or even brought up the topic of sex.

"Cmooon, don't be scared. I know your a brave man after all~"

"Jesus fuck this woman is crazy... but... maybe I should take it." Scout thought.

"Alright, we'll do it."

They were starting to undress before Chemical came in, vaping.



[REJECT] Tower Alliance Academy (Tower Battles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant