5. The Date (Part 1)

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WHAT ?!? Is what I thought because that means he really did like me so I said,

"Sure better to get to know one another so that we can see what we like and dislike"

His tail was starting to wag again and he had the biggest smile on his face he said,

Max  "That is the awnser I most longed to hear from someone"

I wondered why but before I could ask he grabbed your hand and started to take me to his car. I was surprised by what I saw. I was just a kid home alone and had to walk to school everyday. And he was lucky enough for a car I was jealous. But he snapped me out of it when we got in. He asked me a question.

Max "what's wrong never seen you so shocked before? "

"Well I have never seen or have even been in a car before so this is all new to me."

Max "well you better get used to it because I believe you deserve this because of all you went through"

This made me happy to the point to where I was about to sob tears of joy. But before we drove anywhere I asked.

" Where are we going? "

Max "you'll see I bet you are gonna love this place"

I didn't know what he had in mind or what he thought was a good place but I just decided to go along with it. For now I just want to get away from the house and loneliness. So I gave him a reply.

"Ok if you think it's good it has to be right"

Max "ok then I hope that this place will make you giddy with joy"

So he tells the driver upfront where to go. But what was weird was that I thought he owned this car not some one else? So I whisper to him.

"Why aren't you the one driving? "

Max "what do you mean"

"I mean why is it that he is driving us but you're back here with me? "

Max "Boy it sure is nice outside today wouldn't you say? "

The responce he gave threw me off so I said.

"Ya I guess you can say that"

Did he just avoid the question? Well never mind I can ask him when he is alone with me. At this place he thinks I will like.

Max "here we are! "

It looked like a cafe in the front nothing unusual about it to be just an ordinary cafe I guess.

"We might as well going inside"

Max "Sure! "

We open up our car door and walk onto the side walk where the cafe is and walk up to the door.

"So what's special about this? "

Max "you'll see. "

He opens up the door and when you walked in there was a stand saying please wait to be seated. So we waited and someone came to the front. They asked.

"Hello and welcome where would you like a seat"

I was about to say something to them when max said

Max "I would like a table with the best  music"

The waiter was surprised and nodded his head like he knew what he was talking about. This started to confuse me as to why they were starting to walk us to the back of the cafe through the kitchen door.

When we walked in it wasn't a kitchen at all but a karaoke place that only people in the know heard about. I was shocked and didn't even know what to do or say anymore so I let max handle It. He knew more about this than me anyways. The waiter asked,

"Which room? "

To which Max said for me.

Max  "The one furthest down the hallway"

When he heard that the waiter walked us down to the room but there were two of them. The waiter said,

"Take the one on the left the right room already has occupants"

So we went into the left room and the place looked amazing there were red leather seats, a menu which you can order from, a phone which to call for it and a list of songs to sing all in one room. But sadly no padding for the room to block your voice though. So we sat down in front of a oak wood table. And looked over the songs the songs and I found one I like and asked.

"Mind of I have a go at it first? "

Max "sure anything your heart desired"

I was so happy so I started singing,

When I finished the music in the other room stopped and I turned to look at Max who is staring at the door angrily.

This made me worried as I looked over at the door as saw 3 faces a Tiger, A bear, and a Lion staring through the window.

Music can suthe the beast (Furry Male X Male)Where stories live. Discover now