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I woke up feeling very drowsy with little going in or out. I couldn't really see but my vision soon cleared up and things became more apparent. I was in hospital, no idea why. Then I saw my ankle and I guessed that was the reason why. My head ached badly and it hurt to move it so I didn't try to look around. I tried to piece up things, but I couldn't remember anything at all. It was all so new to me. I wasn't in England, I was in France. I could tell from the signs and pictures around the room. It was silent. No sound or movement. My eyes suddenly darted over to the corner and I saw a man there. My head aching from the sudden movement. 

There was a man sat in the chair. It looked as though he had been sleeping, but not for long since the bags under his eyes told a different story. He broke out into a smile when he noticed I was looking at him. I was confused, very confused. But the thing that struck me most was that I had no fear when he approached me. His eyes were deep and innocent and his smile implied his humbleness and I could tell he wouldn't hurt a fly. The stranger was attractive, very attractive and I couldn't deny that. I didn't know him, his name, where he came from, but it looked like he knew a whole lot about me.

"Scarlett? How are you feeling? Your need some painkillers? The nurse told me to give you these if you needed them," I smiled at him as he frantically pulled out a box of tablets from the table beside my bed.

"Scarlett...?" I mumbled quietly.

"You, that's your name. Scarlett is your name. Scarlett Evans,". The stranger smiled nervously, running his fingers through his black hair. 

"Oh..." I paused, "What's your name?"

He opened his mouth to speak, holding it like that for a few moments. his eyes were somewhere else, lost in the phase of time, "Dan, it's don't remember me?" he spoke in a small voice, almost trying to hide his disappointment.

"N-no, should I? I'm sorry..." I frowned apologetically.

"No, don't be sorry. We can just...start again, that's all,". 

Dan spoke with a smile. He seemed happy that I was okay, but sad that I didn't know who he was. My mind wondered whether this was a flaw of mine or not, but I felt like I needed to concentrate on getting better, not worrying about who Dan was. Because after all, he wouldn't be here if he didn't care, would he?

"I-I'll be right back," he stuttered before hastily shoving the door open and rushing out.

Dan's POV

I ran to catch up with the nurse in charge of Scarlett down the hall.

"What's wrong?" she asked, spotting my worried expression.

"She doesn't remember me," I said.

"Does she remember herself?"


"Oh. I feared that this would happen…" 

"Feared that what would happen?!" I asked as she rushed back down the corridor to Scarlett's room. I followed her until she stopped in front of the closed door. She turned to me.

"I'm afraid that Scarlett might have Retrograde Amnesia," she said.

"What's that?"

"She won't remember anything that happened before the incident, but we can't be sure just yet. I'll just need to run some tests before I can confirm it."

"Oh…" was all I could say before she'd entered the room again. I slowly entered as well, closing the door behind me. I stayed there while the nurse spoke softly to her, so softly that I could barely hear. If Scarlett really does have Amnesia, then what would happen? There would be many disadvantages, but maybe some advantages. Before, she resented me, but now she knows nothing from the past. I could guide her along and earn her respect. I could start again and take my chances. This could work.

I waited a few hours to be told the results of Scarlett's test. It turns out she did have amnesia. I sighed and bowed my head as the nurse walked away. How could I be so stupid? How could I go down the wrong route? How could I let one of my students get amnesia? I was the worst excuse for a teacher that ever lived. But I was determined to not let this be a bad thing. I could - I would make this be a good thing.

Scarlett was released from the hospital and back to the hotel a few hours after the results came back. The other students had gone back to the UK just yesterday. The head told us that someone should stay here with her for a few days until she comes around. Of course I volunteered, wouldn't you? I took Scarlett back to my room. She sat down on the bed and shrugged of her jacket. Her eyes were wandering around the walls of the cabin. Each was decorated carefully with images of the resort in all four seasons throughout the years. It was a nice touch. 

I sat myself down next to Scarlett after she turned down my offer of a hot coco.

"So are boyfriend?" She asked, making my heart fly up to my mouth. I choked, no words coming out. I managed to disguise it as a coughing fit to buy myself some time. She just looked at me confused.

"Uh, no," the voice inside my head was raging. 'Come on Dan! This is your chance!' Is what it began to shout, "Well, we're friends, but I thought it would be nice to spend some alone time with you, and plus," I smiled, "I do like you,". 

Scarlett smiled at me, making my heart flutter. 

"Have we ever...done anything? Like, I don't know," she shrugged cutely. I bit my lip, knowing what I had to say.

"I um," I put on my best embarrassed look, "I tried to kiss you once but, I stopped myself. We were out in town and I didn't want to take advantage," 

Only that's what I was doing right now. Scarlett leant over and placed a hand on my cheek, pressing her lips against my own. We fell backwards onto the sheets of the bed, not breaking apart. But throughout all of this, I did not feel one ounce of guilt.

Oblivion [Dan Smith student/teacher]Where stories live. Discover now