The Queen

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        Aurora is the kingdom of the undead among other things like witches, vampires, and the dark seekers. The leader of this kingdom is Queen Luna whom has not only the power of all four elements but also the vail. Her family disowned her after finding out that she has the power of the goddess herself. This scared her family and so they sent her away to a place where no one would care. The only family that has contact with her is her four sister. For they are bonded by the elements and would never give up on their sisters. Luna is the eldest therefore she is also the one who holds them together and calms them down. 

    With Luna as the Queen; Aurora has become a place where everyone can live in peace. Well that was until the in-betweeners showed up and ruined everything that she worked so hard for. In-betweeners are people who are stuck between realms like the live and dead. 

     The people of Aurora are scared and looking to their Queen for help but even Luna is struggling to understand why they are here. Luna called a meeting between the realms leaders because if the in-betweeners are in her realm then they may move to the other realms soon.

      As I was leaving my room a guard came to me. "My Queen the leaders of the other realms are here in the Throne room." said the guard. "Are my sisters here yet?" I asked. "No Ma'am they aren't tho they sent a message saying that they are on their way. They also said that your Mother and Father will be joining them for the meeting." Now this information surprised me because my parents don't talk with me, meaning that this meeting is vey important.

     Walking down the hall to the throne room thinking about what needed to be said during the meeting really not paying attention to where I was going. I hit a wall or what I thought was a wall be in actual it was the king of the hybrids Elijah ; falling to the ground well almost, but he caught me before that. "Well hello there beautiful. You should watch where you are going next time." he said. "Thank you King Elijah but if you will please let me go." With that said he released me and I walking into the throne room. "Now now don't be like that Luna you know I was only messing with you." 

   "Excuse me if I don't believe you King Elijah. I know about all you tricks and play as many have called it." I told him. "I don't have time for this today Sir." Walking away into the throne room and taking a seat waiting for my sisters to arrive.

   As I was beginning to worry about them because they were almost an hour late to this meeting the doors to the throne door flew open and in walked my sisters and parents. "Hello sisters wonderful that you were able to come today. Hello King Matthew and Queen Mary; welcome to the land of Aurora. I hope your travels was enjoyable" I said to them. 

   My parents said nothing to me just stared at me like they have seen a ghost. Not paying them no mind I just started the meeting. "As some of you know there are creatures that have been attacking my people. These creatures have called themselves the in-betweeners." I said to them.  "They haven't said why they are here, but I know that they're being here isn't good. Having seen first handed that they aren't to be messed without some type of army. " Letting that sink in before I tell them more.

    My Mother being the one that really was to never speak finally said something. "Are you sure that they aren't creatures from your land? You never know what is crawling around here; everything is so creepy." She said. "Yes Queen Mary I am sure that they are from another world. I'm sorry you feel that way about my land, but my people could say the same thing about your land too. Just because you aren't custom to my land doesn't mean that it isn't normal." saying without looking at her, but rather at my nails picking at them.

    "Okay my sister what would you like to do about this problem and what does it have to do with the other races." Said my sister Rose who has the element of Earth. She is by far the most down to earth person you'll ever meet. Rose has the body of a fairy and hair that is as white as snow. "Well my dear Rose I would like help in getting rid of these creatures out of Aurora. But as to why I have called everyone here the fear is that if the creature were to get bored with being in this land they may move on to the other lands." Saying this out loud was hard for me because I have never been afraid of my land being gone before.

   "Luna what have they done so far because you my love are pale and I can see the fear in your eyes. I don't think I have ever heard the Queen of the Dark asking for help." Elijah says while walking towards me. My father gets up from where he was sitting and gets in front of Elijah. "My good Sir I don't think it would be a good idea to get close to the Queen." saying to him trying to stop him from getting too close to me. Not sure if I should be thanking him or be upset.

  "King Matthew I am sure you know who I am and if I wanted to get closer to her I will, but thank you for the worry. As to what you think you may know about the Queen you don't know anything about her. I know she is you daughter that you are afraid of because her is very powerful. Everyone in this room knows this and they still came to support her in her time of need." stopping in front of me he turned to finish his statement. "You may not respect her but we do and as she is part of the council you might want to start learning as she has the final vote on most matters." 

Well this meeting isn't going as I planned. I am hoping that I can get everyone on the same page before a war breaks out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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