12 - Mixed Signals

Start from the beginning

,,I can't even rely on Liam anymore. He also betrayed me. God! Do I have to do everything myself?" Harry vented. It wasn't hard to notice how done he was. Mostly due to exhaustion though.
,,Guess so." Louis mumbled. Just adding fuel to the fire.
,,Oh, you be quiet!" Harry hissed at him, causing Louis to press his lips tightly together till they were thin lines.

Harry put his hands on his hips, debating on what to do next. He couldn't trust anyone on this ship anymore, cause they all fell victim to Louis' charm or trickery. He would have to take it into his own hands from here on out. He had to deal with this mess himself from now on.
Harry's eyes went around the room, lost in thought on how his crew with his very own, two best friends came to betray him. His own god damn crew!

,,You're just trouble, you know that?" Harry's voice was weirdly calm, more fitting to his bored attitude from before.
,,I know."
,,Sure you do? Cause you keep causing it."
,,I didn't know a blouse would bother you so much."
,,It's not the blouse, it's..." Harry stopped. He didn't have to explain himself to Louis. Instead, he should be angry with him. ,,... Just be quiet."

Louis smiled unwillingly. It was fun to watch Harry totally out of place. He looked so clueless and that was something rare, which Louis had always enjoyed a little too much. This was probably how Harry had felt, whenever he watched one of Louis' plans turn into a disaster.

,,Besides. The sun is down, and I think your crew is waiting for further commands."
Harry dropped his hands from his sides and looked back at Louis, noticing his satisfied grin.
,,Why didn't you say that first?" Harry spoke, rushing past Louis and towards the door, to go on deck and instruct his crew on how to proceed.
,,I thought my win today was important enough."
,,No. It's still pathetic!"
And then the door closed behind the captain, leaving Louis by himself in Harry's room.

Louis smiled fondly at the captain's behavior after the door had shut. He knew he didn't mean it. He was probably proud of Louis. At least a little. He just didn't want to show it.
But now he was gone and Louis was alone in his room.

Usually he would have gone straight to planning what shenanigans he could do next, but he was still trying to show his better behaved side, so theft, destruction or even a little act of arson were out of the question this time.

He technically didn't have any reason to steal, cause he still carried the sword Harry had given him for their training. He didn't need another weapon. In fact, it was quite strange that he still had the sword, cause rule number three clearly stated that Louis wasn't allowed any weapons. Yet, Harry didn't bother about the deadly object, but instead got stressed over a piece of clothing.
Louis shook his head with the same smile from before still resting on his lips.
The captain himself seemed to disregard the rules. He wasn't any better than Niall or Liam and Louis loved it.

And if even the captain was breaking rules now, then surely this was the prime time for rule breaking and why not use this to Louis' advantage.
So the pirate walked up to Harry's desk, brushing his fingers over some of the documents.

If Harry wouldn't tell him where they were going, then the maps on his desk would. And to no surprise, Louis was right.
He put a few papers off to the side and was promptly met with a map showcasing the quickest route from Spain to England's beautiful south coast.

The pirate took the map in his hand and set down on the captain's chair, gazing at the route. In his head, Louis was already sketching the way from the harbor to the place closest to where the treasure laid buried. It wasn't even that far from the harbor. Maybe a couple of hours. It would be easy to get if nothing went wrong in the meantime.
,,What are you doing?"
Louis looked up from his place, watching as the captain walked back into the room and immediately hurried over to the pirate.
,,Who allowed you to go through my stuff?" Harry quickly snatched the map out of Louis' hand and took a quick glance at it.

,,So we're going to England next?" Louis shamelessly asked, smirking again at Harry's obvious displeasure.
,,Don't snoop through my stuff! Who even allowed you to sit there?"
,,I didn't want to stand around while waiting for you."
,,Why were you waiting? Haven't you told me all you wanted to tell me."
,,Yea, but you haven't. So I found the answer to my question myself." Louis said proudly, causing Harry to despise him even more.

,,Get up!" Harry demanded.
And Louis did. Even though he did it with a displeased groan and a clear dislike for Harry's harshness.
He got up anyways and silently stood opposite of the captain, looking at him as if he was waiting for further instructions.
Harry eyed the smaller pirate up and down, thinking of what the hell he should do with him. Throwing him over board was still an option, but something inside of Harry told him not to do it. Essentially cause he was necessary if he wanted to get the treasure.

,,What is it? Still got a problem with the blouse?" Louis grinned as he toyed with the captain.
But Harry just rolled his eyes, paying no further mind to Louis' teasing words. Instead, he was more focused on the weapon he seemed to have forgotten about.

Harry looked back up at Louis' making their eyes meet more intensely. He held out his hand towards the cocky pirate.
,,Give it."
,,What? The blouse?"
,,No not the blouse! The sword, you idiot."
,,Oh" Louis smiled, obediently taking the sword he still carried with him to hand it back to the captain.
,,What a shame. It really suited me."
,,Tell yourself." Harry quietly mumbled, putting the weapon off to the side.
,,I sure will."

A Pirate's Tale [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now