It's Over, isn't it?

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"You aren't going against Red Leader are you, people who go against her get punished, you don't want anything to happen to your partner, do you?" asked Welsh.

Waylon flinches to shake his head. Seeing this, Edd and Matt look at each other. Was this man not with the Red Army then?

"Good, then get those collars on." ordered Welsh.

Waylon flinches and looks down at the collars in hand. He shakes his head to push a few buttons before the collars flash on, glowing blue like all the others.

The man sighs to then approach the strapped down couple.

"Please, don't do this." begged Edd.

"I'm sorry, but Red Leader's word is law, but it'll be okay, trust me, just relax and you'll see." said Waylon sadly.

He then attaches the collars to the couple's neck. Once attached properly, he steps back.

"Mr. Park, are the collars ready?" asked Welsh.

"Yes." he said.

Edd gulps to look at the ginger man who also mirrored his fear. This was it, it was over, they were going to lose everything.

The doctor clicks on the collars, sending a shock through the couple. They cried out in pain and before long, they glowed white.

Waylon looks away as they're pulled together and soon, it's over. Edd and Matt were gone, and Medd was in their place.

"Excellent, another success, Mr. Park, give them the run down and send them off to work." said Welsh.

"Of course." said Waylon, picking up a clipboard as well as a uniform and key card.

Welsh walks out with a smile, leaving her assistant to finish up with the newest fusion soldier.


Tom growled as he struggled to escape his restraints. He was sitting in a chair with metal straps keeping him in place.

He tries knocking the chair over, but the weight from the metal restraints keep it upright.

'Dammit, I have to get out of this and find the others, what did that bitch do to Tord?' thought Tom.

He rolled his hands into fists as he looks around the room. He was still in the office, but was moved to a hidden bedroom.

It reminded him of how Tord's room used to be decorated before he took it over. Red and black with guns and blueprints everywhere.

Tori had put him in her to get his 'surprise' ready. Tom sighs as he looks at the restraints. If only he and Tord had kept their fusion, Torm would have easily broken free from this.

Speaking of fusion, he was really worried about Matt and Edd, was it already too late? Are they now a brainwashed, Red Army serving Medd?!

'We have to get out of here.' thought Tom.

He struggles again when the door opens. He stops to see Tori standing there with Rodrick next to her.

With a nod, Rodrick enters the room and pulls Tom out of the bedroom. Wait, the chair rolls?!

Oh, the chair is on wheels... what the hell?!

He's rolled to the center where he sees a small table with two collars. They're exactly like the ones on the fusions, only instead of the cold blue glow, one of the collars has a red glow.

"What the hell is this?" asked Tom.

"My surprise, my Tommy-bear, the final step in plans for world domination." said Tori.

The blue hooded man is confused and when he looks at the weasel who caused all this, he looked confused as well.

"A surprise, this looks like the fusion collars." said Tom.

"They are, well, sort of." she giggled.

This makes Tom sweat a little when she holds up the red collar.

"This is mine, I had this modified so that I would keep my will and mind, yours is the same as the others but works with this collar alone." said Tori.

Tom's eyes widen, turning white in fear. That was her plan all along?!

"Hey, your eyes are white, I thought you had no eyes." said Rodrick.

"F**k off, wheat, now is not the time!" yelled Tom.

He then turns to look at Tori who just looks amused.

"So this is your big plan, to fuse with me?" asked Tom.

"Of course, fusion is so much power, and ours would be the most powerful, well, with me behind the wheel anyway, but still, I shall rule the world with my love at my side." laughed Tori evilly, causing her horns to sharpen.

Torm, she was after Torm!

"No way, I only fuse with Tord, not a cheap knock off like you." snarled Tom.

"I am not a cheap knock off, I'm the better, superior version of him." said Tori.

"Oh really, then riddle me this, did it take money to make the cloning machine, or monkeys?" asked Tom.

"Money obviously." said Tori.

"Actually, I think it was monkeys, we got them from that zoo that shut down." said Rodrick.

Tori turns her head, glaring at the man who shuttered in fear.

"See, cheap." sneered Tom.

"It doesn't matter, what does is that once the collars sync up, we will fuse together, I will be unstoppable." said Tori.

With that, she turns around to grab the blue collar, walking towards Tom. The spiky haired man struggles to escape, he refuses to fuse with this bitch.

"Wait, Red Leader." called Rodrick.

She does and looks at the man who looked shy all of a sudden.

"Yo-you don't have to fuse with him, he's nothing, you can fuse with me, I'll gladly help you gain power." said Rodrick.

Tom wasn't surprised at that, Rodrick was dedicated to anything relating to Red Leader. But hopefully she takes the weasel's offer up instead.

Tori is silent before she starts shaking. But not from nervous or fury, she was laughing.

"You, you think I would fuse with the likes of you, Wheat, don't be an idiot, I would have to sink pretty low to fuse with you, Tom is the only one for me, we will fuse beautifully." said Tori.

Rodrick flinched back, a look of hurt on his face. He truly believed he could fuse with his leader, he wanted nothing more than to fuse with her, to become one.

To be with Red Leader is all he needs.

"Very well, it was foolish wasn't it, but still, should the need ever arise, I will gladly fuse." said Rodrick.

"Thanks but no thanks, Tom is all I will ever need." said Tori.

With that, she clicks the collar around the eyeless man's neck, switching it on. Tom gulps nervously as Tori attaches her own collar to switch on.

"There, now we just wait for the collars to sync up, and we will be together forever, Tom." sighed Tori happily.

Tom gulps as he hears the collars beep. He didn't want fuse with Tori. Fusion is special for him as he only does it with Tord.

He didn't want to be trapped in fusion with her!

How was he going to get out of this mess?!

NOTE: Tord has lost hope, Edd and Matt have been forced to become Medd, and Tom is basically in the electric chair awaiting fusion with Tori. How are our boys going to get out of this one?!

BTW, anyone get the Easter egg I put in. lol if you do, you are awesome, and if you don't, well you're still awesome, everyone is awesome!

If you're curious, my friend Firestorm asked for it.

Well anyway, what will happen next? Till the next update~

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