The news of Di Cang's departure naturally remains unknown to Bai Yan due to the outside interreference.

As such, half a month had transpired without a single word from either end, that was until a loud explosive bang shook the skies today....

Chapter 613 "Di Cang's Departure (7)"

Outside the bamboo cabin, Di Xiao Wan was just in the middle of accompanying Bai Xiachen and Dragony in their game of tag when the ruckus occurred. As a result, the one to suffer the most had to be Little Rice who tragically ended up dropping face first to the ground after jolting up from his napping spot.

By the time the demon princess turned around to see what's going on, a dainty pair of hand had already pushed open the door to reveal that blood red dress and the person donning it.

"Sister-in-law, have you made a breakthrough?" she asks with hopeful anticipation.

Nodding in return, Bai Yan confirms the question with that gesture: "Yes, I just managed to reach a new level in my cultivation."

From now on I am no longer just at the level of King Rank.

"Sister-in-law is awesome!" Jumping up and down with glee, Di Xiao Wan could not hold back her excitement like a little child.

"Of course, my mother is the best." Bai Xiachen also decides to chime in with his proud little voice.

To one up his auntie as well, the boy immediately followed that sentence up with a heavy jump into those long sought-after arms. Losing all of his proud air, the kid reverts back to his pitiful and childish self: "Mother, I missed you so, so much you know...."

"I also missed my precious Xiachen as well," rubbing the little steambun's head, Bai Yan was all smiles. "Oh right, where is your father?"

Making a glimpse of disappointment, the kid ends up pursing that lip like a unhappy child: "I haven't seen Baddie Father for a long time now..."

At that, Bai Yan's brow immediately wrinkled up into a knot. Xiachen haven't seen Di Cang for a long time?

"You father is likely busy with the state's affair. To make up for the neglect over this half a month, why don't we take a trip outside the palace as compensation, alright?"

Lightning up in his eyes, Bai Xiachen's mood promptly fluttered up: "Okay Mother, let's go out of the palace, I want to play!"

"Let's go then," one hand holding her son and the other holding Dragony, "I will take the both of you out to play."

Watching this from the back, Di Xiao Wan puckers her lip like a grieving waifu. "Sister-in-law, what about me?"

Halting at the call, Bai Yan looks back at the demon princess: "You and Little Rice can follow us."

In light of being disappointed by the answer, the girl nevertheless did as told and picked up the spinning eyed tiger from the floor: "Wait for us, we're coming!"

Why do I feel like I've been disfavored ever since Dragony came into existence...

Originally Di Xiao Wan only wanted to complain inwardly to vent some of that grievance. Who could've guessed a moment of carelessness had caused her to mutter it aloud, allowing the baby tiger in her hand to hear it up front.

"When have you ever been in favor?"

If she's never been in favor then how can she lose it, right?

Going dark in the face: "Nobody would call you a mute if you don't speak!"

I'm such a failure as a princess, even this rascal is picking on me now!

"Then Princess, what do you think of Dragony? " Little Rice ponders this as he's being hung around by the tail.

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