Tastes Bitter

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The liquid, that poured out of the tube was just brought towards me on a silver bowl.

"Drink my Emperor, you must." Said Skektek, feel proud of his accomplishment.

I took it from him and began to drink the liquid, as soon as it hit the back of my throat, something came to me.

It was a pleasant memory, me and my mother and father, laughing and playing a board game. I looked so happy, my mother and I were accusing my father of cheating as a little tease.

When the memory faded from my  line of sight, I was back in the lab. Everyone gazed apone me with bewilderment.

"My Emperor, how do you feel?" Skektek asked, curiously.

"I feel," I made a quick grab at The Scientist and tossed him half way across the room.


The others began to gorge down the essence like wild pigs, as Skektek took a vile and locked it away.

He then examined his machine as it began to puff out smoke, he grumbled about needing repairs and I gave him time to work on it.

We left him to his work and began to do what I apparently did best, sit and wait for development.

Skeksil, sat at my side by my throne. His face shifted from a "The Emperor will be pleased" look to a more puzzled expression.

"My Lord, your eyes, they're begining to water. Does Chamberlain need to call Scientist about possible symptom?" He said, clearly wanted someone punished.

"No, it's just that the instruments are Dusty and it's bothering my eyes. The Scientist needs space to work and no one is to bother him, do I make myself clear?" I snapped.

But I was lieing.

"Mmmm, shall I call apone the musicians to play?" Skeksil asked, trying to sound useful.

"No, I grow tired of the poddlings." I land myself back and rubbed my forehead.

'I clearly need to think rationally. Don't get caught, don't start a war, don't die a brutal death via dust.'

The Chamberlain was about to speak, but suddenly was interrupted by Skekvar and two gelfling dragging along a small pile of clothe.

"What do you want, can't General see that Emperor is busy?!" Yelled Skeksil, more annoyed about being interrupted than my personal needs.

"My Emperor, I have spotted a gelfling girl in the Crystal Chamber!" Skekvar  said in a frightened state.

This made me curious. It was unpredictable, so unbelievable! 

It was new.

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