chapter 1

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               (Lily POV)

My life has not been the best . I have had to face many problems for just a 17 yr old girl .

my parents died when I was a kid, I began my life moving from one place to another among my relatives .

You know how that is people are different. They are those who will like you and those who will hate you .

Anyway i got broken who likes being rejected and that just  what i faced that made me move. .

Anyway now iam living with my mom sister in a foreign country she is nice but I am a mess  ,iam a loner , I don't talk much I think no one understand me .

When she took me in after finding out how i was suffering, It was too late i was already so broken .

I love her all together she is cool she has big kids the youngest is in University. Her last born is bretta and she has a son Evans who works in another country.

I have been in this high School for an year but some people find it fun to bully me .

Today as any other day I come prepared to listen to sasha and her friends trash ,yes trash they don't say anything important all they talk about is boys, makeup and cursing on top of others.

Let's say anything that is meet to make me lose my cool and even worse leave school . I have been hit and kicked by them . They have made me make a fool of myself many times, in class, hallway and cafeteria.

They think they own the school but this time no one makes a move I see their cars but no one else.

I Walk thanking God for the good fortune but that's when I see many students looking at a new student Sasha among them.

From a distance I see a very handsome boy oh! yes I said that. You would agree with me if you see him More like a movie star.

I continue walking before I get noticed by Sasha and her friends at least today I won't have to listen to their nonsense.

This my first time doing this plz tell me how it is and vote I will be so happy and tell me about mistakes hope you like it so far thanks to you you are special.

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