Chapter 2

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~Aizawa's POV~

I walk up to him slowly and make my presence known. "Izuku are you ok?" He turns around and what I see breaks my heart. I pull him to me and he buries his face in my chest as he cries. I hold him close to me and pet his soft hair. "Shhh it's ok. Let it out. Cry as much as you need to." After a while his sobs turn into small hiccups and he starts relaxing in my arms. I sit down and hold him on my lap. "Hey... What happened? You don't have to talk if you're not ready." I rub his back as his trembling slowly stops.

He sniffles and grips my shirt tightly. "I-I wanted to go see Kacchan so I went to his room and I heard noises. So I thought he had a friend over and decided to leave. But I heard weird noises and quietly opened the door... I wish I didn't. I wish I just walked away.. But I didn't. When I walked inside... H-he.. He was cheating on me... He was cheating on me with Uraraka..." When he finished talking he started crying again and I held him closer. How could he hurt Izuku?! How dare he make him cry!! If I had a good enough reason I would suspend him! Izuku would be sad if I expelled him...

I rub his back and he slowly calms down. "Am I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? Why does everyone leave me? What did I do wrong?" Hearing him talk like this breaks my heart. "You didn't do anything wrong. None of this is your fault. Come on. I'll take you back to your room. I'll make sure everyone leaves you alone ok?" He nods and wraps his arms around my neck as I carry him bridal style. We soon make it back and he hides his face in my chest. When I walk through the door a few people come up to us. The first person to speak was Uraraka. "Deku! Are you ok? What happened?!" I feel him tremble in my arms when he heard her voice so I put a hand over his ear and press the other one to my chest so he can't hear anything.

I look at the students and my gaze falls on bakugo. "I'm not answering any questions. If midoriya wants to answer questions he can. But for now everyone is to leave him alone." I look at todoroki."Todoroki can you take Midoriya to his room for me?" He nods and Izuku slowly removes his arms and wraps them around Todorokis neck. I watch them leave and tell everyone to go to their rooms. "Bakugo and Uraraka I want to speak with you both. Now." I glare at them and they follow me outside to a spot where no one can hear. "Do either of you have any idea why I found Midoriya in the woods crying his eyes out?" They both look at each other then at me and shake their heads slowly. "Let me give you a little hint. Bakugo next time you want to cheat on someone make sure your door is locked." His face pales and he looks down. "What do you mean cheat on someone? Wait. Are you telling me Deku is dating you Bakugo?" Uraraka looks at him and he looks away. "He deserves better than you katsuki. I wonder how many times he's cried over you. Cuz from the sounds of it. This isn't the first time." I send them back to their rooms when we get inside. Soon Todoroki walks up to me. "Izuku is asking for you. I told him I'd come find you. Also... I'm worried. When I was carrying him he felt light. Way too light to be healthy." I nod and send him to his room.

~Izuku's POV~

After Shoto leaves I wait on my bed as I curl up into a ball. Letting tears fall down my cheeks silently. The only thing that can be heard are my sniffles. Soon my door opens and I look up to see Aizawa. He comes over to me and sits on my bed. "Hey are you doing ok? Do you need anything?" He pets my head softly and I grip his shirt. And in a small quiet voice I answer him. "I-I don't wanna be alone... I don't trust myself being alone right now.." His eyes soften but have a hint of worry. He nods and gets up to lock my door. Once he locks it he comes back and lays next to me. "Get some sleep Izuku. I'll be here when you wake up." I nod my head and lay it on his chest. Finding comfort in having someone next to me.

~Aizawa's POV~

I wrap my arms around and hold him close to me. What did he mean he doesn't trust himself to be alone? Will he tell me if I ask? Also why did he ask for me and not one of his classmates? I'm sure Todoroki would have stayed with him... I decide to try and sleep so I close my eyes and eventually I fall asleep. Soon morning comes and we both wake up. "Morning Izuku. Did you sleep well?" He nods and clings onto me. I chuckle and rub his back. "Come on its time to get ready for school. I'll make sure no one asks questions if you don't want them to." He nods and sits up. That same question comes back into my mind but I brush it away for now. I watch him walk into the bathroom and I wait. Soon he walks out in his uniform and I ruffle his hair. "Thank you for staying with me last night.." I smile and hold him close. "If you ever need to talk or just someone to hold you while you cry you can always come to me ok?" He nods and we leave the room.

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