Personality: Adrian is the embodiment of competition

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Personality: Adrian is the embodiment of competition. Everything is a competition with him. Whose better at running? Who can stay up the longest? Whose the best brother? He knows that he is all those things, except the last one. It's the one completion where he is second place and he absolutely loathes it. He isn't the best sport either when it comes to losing, especially to Corinthian, who in his opinion is a total loser and failure, as well as he is happy to make his eldest brother feel bad about himself. He's a bit of a king of manipulation and is quick to bend others emotions to serve himself.

Likes: Competition, welding, winning, being the best, getting complimented, formal events, suits.

Dislikes: His eldest brother, literally his entire family though minus his sister, losing, horses and garlic

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Dislikes: His eldest brother, literally his entire family though minus his sister, losing, horses and garlic.

Strengths: Fixing things, self-motivated, ambitious.

Weaknesses: Narrow minded, selfish, overly competitive

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Weaknesses: Narrow minded, selfish, overly competitive.

Fears: Afraid that one day he is going to be kicked out into the street like a bum.

Hobbies/Skills: Adrian loves metal work and can weld scrap metal together for days on end if he so wishes to

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Hobbies/Skills: Adrian loves metal work and can weld scrap metal together for days on end if he so wishes to. He holds an annual competition with the whole kingdom to see whose the best metal worker, and he hasn't lost so far. (Surprise surprise: probably rigging the contest XD)

Family: The royal family, even though he loathes them dearly.

Family: The royal family, even though he loathes them dearly

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(*drools* sOrrY wHaT wAs i dOiNg)

Closest Sibling: His sister by far because she isn't a threat to his title.


Also: His eldest brother is 10/10 his enemy.

Also: His eldest brother is 10/10 his enemy

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Backstory: Adrian is tired. Tired of being second place when it comes to his brother. Even his eldest brothers first name is Adrian's middle name, what were his parents thinking!? It's too humiliating, he hates it. Not to mention, Adrian knows he would be a better king and also knows that his eldest brother might have some second thoughts about ascending the throne. He even knows that he was his parents second favourite, next to, you guessed it, the bastard eldest brother. Adrian is prepared to take the throne, regardless of the consequences.

Thoughts on the selection: Anything that would make Corinthian uncomfortable is always a plus in his book. Plus, who knows? Maybe he can twist this to work in his favour.

Hopes for the selection: Corinthian pisses himself scared and runs for under the bed

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Hopes for the selection: Corinthian pisses himself scared and runs for under the bed.

Guilty Pleasure: Strawberry ice cream, but don't give it to him because he hates how he can't resist it and aLL tHe cAlOriEs gO tO hIs tHiGhS

Guilty Pleasure: Strawberry ice cream, but don't give it to him because he hates how he can't resist it and aLL tHe cAlOriEs gO tO hIs tHiGhS

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Desired Room: Anything deep royal red, fit for a king.

Other: His favourite colour is pink

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