(Part 1) Chapter 1: Fuli

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys, I got her!"

At that moment, Epesi's three other littermates came trotting through the grass and headed right over to their brother, flashing the girl cub a mocking smile. Fuli's hackles started to rise even more in response. They were all

"Well, well, well," Haraka, the second oldest, chirped. "If it isn't the neighborhood freak!" 

Their other brother, Jaha, looked around in fake confusion. "Y'sure you got her, bro? I can't see her."

"How can you miss her? With those ugly spots!" chirped Komeo, the youngest of them all. 

"Shut up," Fuli muttered, which the other cub ignored.

"Nice job, Epesi!"

"That didn't even take long at all," Haraka agreed.

"Of course it didn't," Epesi said, puffing his chest out in a prideful manner. He preened as if he were being stroked while he soaked in his siblings' praises. It made Fuli scoff and roll her eyes. Upepo's four cubs were at least two moons older than her and they stuck always up for one another while going against Fuli. Though she won't admit it out loud, Fuli always felt somewhat envious of the close-knit cubs and couldn't help but wonder what things would've been like if her own siblings had survived and stuck up for her.

It'd be nice, that's for sure. Though I can mostly handle them on my own already. It still would be nice to have other cubs to play with, cubs that aren't idiot jerk-faces like them. 

"Aw, don't feel too bad, freak. It's not our fault that you're so slow!" Epesi cooed in a baby-like tone. "Seriously, I've seen turtles crawl faster than you!"

"So much for 'huwezi,' am I right?" Komeo added.

"You should just stop saying it, cause with the way you run, you're making it sound more like a joke," Jaha sneered.

The phrase "huwezi" meant "you can't catch me," and from an early age since she had learned the word, Fuli has made it a habit of her's to shout it out whenever she ran. It made her feel very good, like she was unstoppable. Of course, saying it felt good until Upepo's cubs had to ruin it for her whenever they caught her.

"Hey, it actually might suit her just fine!" Haraka chirped in protest to his littermate. "She already looks like a joke of a cheetah!"

"Yeah, with her weird, ugly, dumb looking spots! I'm surprised that your mom doesn't look half as bad as you do! Komeo jeered. He may be the least dominant of the four but that never earned him any of the harsh treatment Fuli had gotten. And it certainly didn't make him any better than them either.

"How can a cheetah as normal looking as her be related to something that looks like a sick serval?" Jaha added. The four boys shared a series of chirpy laughs that was sure to make Fuli's ears bleed if it had gone on any longer.

Unlike her bullies and most other cheetahs, who usually had tawny or pale, black spotted coats, Fuli had a rare fur mutation that gave her a bright, golden coat and unusual but one-of-a-kind, brown spots that looked like rosette-shaped blotches as well as three stripes going down the back of her head and banded on her tail, giving her an almost leopard-like appearance. Cheetahs like her were nicknamed "king cheetahs," so far she had been the only one in her family record to have it. Despite her peculiar appearance and the other cubs' taking great pleasure in teasing about it, Fuli knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with having it. In fact, she was deeply proud of them, she found her king cheetah looks beautiful and thought her emerald green eyes were a nice touch.

They're all just jealous. My looks show that I'm the most unique one here! Bet they're even jealous of the heart-shaped spot on my forehead!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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