(Part 1) Chapter 1: Fuli

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Ok real quick before I begin:

I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR DELAYING ON THIS. I swear I'm not giving up on this rewrite. It's just that things started happening and my life kinda got crazy again. I also ended up slightly changing/rewriting the script a little because I'm still not 100% too satisfied with the beginning part. I know you guys liked it but there was one thing about it that just didn't sit right with me. Idk what it is or why, but writing Fuli's early life is surprising really hard. There are many possible ways it could've went and all of them are very inspiring. I couldn't decide whether I want Fuli to have a good early life before it went bad or having it be bad from the start with an abusive parent. When I wrote the latter, I was going through a tough time with my mom and was somewhat vent writing my anger/stress into the chapters. Looking back at it now it just doesn't sit right anymore. So I tweaked the script a little and now I like it, but just when I was about to write it out, one of my bunnies got GI Stasis and unexpectedly passed away. It shattered my heart completely and I just became too depressed to do anything. I'm kinda getting back into the swing of things now and I'm going to update this again, this time with the finalized script. And I think this version might actually be the one. Again, I'm really sorry for stalling. I'll try to be a little more productive again now.

Edit: Ok I guess I sorta lied about that. Truth is I'm apparently more productive when I'm busy with school instead of having plenty of free time during summer. And school has already started for me now so I might have a chance to write again. It probably won't be fast, but at least something.


A young, cheetah cub with golden fur quickly pelted through the tall grass as fast as a cub could. She could hear a loud, rapid series of tromping behind, and it was quickly heading straight towards her.

Hare-dung! Fuli panicked as she quickened her sprint. Hare-dung! Hare-dung! Hare-dung! Hare-dung! Hare-dung! Hare-dung! Hare-dung!


The cub cried and she ran on, but the tromping gradually got closer and closer. Fuli practically felt them right on her tail. Out of desperation, she abruptly jerked to the right and her three pursuers, who hadn't seen it coming, were unable to slow down in time and skidded right past her. One of them slid so much that he even hit face first into a rock, Fuli heard an audible thump when he crashed which was followed by a grunt.

Ha! Fuli thought with a smirk, though her moment of triumph wouldn't last long when out of nowhere, another one of her chasers bolted out from the grass and charged straight towards her.

Oh my, what the- CRAP!

A squeak escaped from Fuli's throat when she collided into her new opponent, his weight clumsily knocking her off balance.

"Aack!" Fuli yowled as she teetered awkwardly and the two cubs tumbled around a little before Fuli was eventually pinned forcefully to the ground. Her heart immediately sank afterwards.

Ugh, darn it... She let out an irritated sigh and her ears flattened when she heard her captor begin to laugh.

"HA, gotcha!" Epesi crowed with a smug grin.

He laughed on as he watched the younger cheetah cub hastily try to wriggle free, Fuli then let out a sharp, painful cry when she felt Epesi's grasp hardened, the older, arrogant cub even let his claws slide out and prick Fuli's skin. Finally, she gave up, she scowled and glared up at her neighbor, meeting his typical mean look. Epesi only sniffed dismissively, as if he didn't care if she was uncomfortable or in pain.

"Ugh, you..." Fuli scowled.

"Greetings, freak," Epesi said jeeringly. "Missed me?"

"Hardly," the former muttered. Epesi ignored her as he raised his head up and turned to look behind his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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