chapter 2

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The next few days Mr Kassay offered to take me to some of the places in Budapest that respectable people gather of sunny days as it was that day. Were had lunch in a nice park then we went for a walk not too far from our lodgings. My father was occupied all day most days with business so I guess I was glad for the kind company of the banker.

As he had promised we did find many people at the park, many ladies and gentlemen that I had been introduced to the night before were taking turns of its grounds and having picnics. Reluctantly I found my eyes searching the crowds for one face in particular. I was keen to enquire what he had meant at the end of our convocation the night before.

"Look here my lady clara" Mr Kassay pointed to the pond we were passing where there was a gathering of the sweetest ducklings

"They are quaintest things" I knelt to have a closer look with a smile, nature was one of my most avid interests but a lady in my position is not permitted to wonder truly wild places to see true nature instead I had to make do with manicured places such as this. "Mr Kassay?"

"Yes my dear" I took the mans arm again and we continued our walk.

"Does count Dracula frequent this park?" I enquired as casually as my curiosity would allow.

"I have never seen him here" Kassay affirmed "In fact I believe that his days are spent much like your fathers, tied up in business, I have only seen him in the evenings"

It seemed strange to me that he was a client of Mr Kassay yet Mr kassay had not been privy to the business the count attends to during the day. It is not usual for bankers to be present in there clients business meetings sometimes? "How long has the count been in Budapest?"

"Not very long but I have corresponded with him for sometime. I believe he has come here for a short time to become acquainted with society and customs before he departs for English soil"

The more I heard about the count the more things didn't seem to add up, he was well spoken and gentlemanly, I hardly thought it was necessary for him to become any more acquainted with the rules of society then he already was, yet he was delaying his departure to England for what purpose?

"Your father requested over dinner last night that I should show you the convent but it is an hours ride away and the sisters will all be in prayer when we arrive so perhaps we will leave that for today" Mr Kassay changed the subject

"Yes" I affirmed "I think that would be best" I'm sure Mr Kassay did not know for what purpose my father intended that convent.

The walk was pleasant enough and when it was over I had an excuse to return to my rooms and rest. I was glad off sometime alone before I was expect to dine with some Duke or another. I lay on my bed looking up at the decorative ceiling thinking about the choice I saw before me, marriage to man or marriage to God. In the back of my mind Draculas vague hint of a third option lingered, clearly I wasn't so smart as he thought as I could not fathom what it was.

"Excuse me my lady" a maid interrupted my thoughts "your father is waiting with a carriage"

I nodded and prepared to depart. Another evening of monotony.

As expected the evening was the usual brand of pleasant. We dined on fine food and drank fine wine, a few budding suitors made convocation with me over the table, this did not go unnoticed by my father. When the meal was over the party of fine people retired to the drawing room of the dukes fine house to play cards and socialise, as people in high society often did.

"You must be sure to attend the play house while you are here" the duchess instructed me over the cards table in the corner of the room "and I will not rest untill you have been introduced to some of our friends, the gathering at your rooms last week was well enough but there are many people here who's acquaintance you should make" she added, my father was very eager for this idea, I couldn't think of anything worse.

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