New girl.

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"Come on lux, in, come on, we will come again another time" Niall shouted to his niece who he had brought round for the day.

"No!!!" Lux screamed at the top of her voice.

"argh!! Alright, five more minutes then we are leaving!!" He shouted again as she ran away onto the big field of grass behind my house with all the other children.

"So, apparently theirs going to be a new girl at ridgewood next week?" Niall stated.

"Yeah, in dorm 25, probably sharing with Anna"

"Ey, this maybe the one for you haz yanno!!! You haven't had a girl since teegan about a year ago.." Niall joked punching me softly in the shoulder.

"Shut up man! Haha!" I laughed.

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