The Day it all Started

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Run. Hide. Repeat. That's all I've been doing. I still remember the day he came. They said he was defeated. They were wrong. But I wonder, did they really believe he was defeated? Or did they make that all up for a false sense of security.


It was a clear morning. No clouds, beautiful sunshine, happiness. It had been three years since Jesse took down the Admin. No evil doers have turned up. Just the occasional mobs. I lived in the outskirts of town. I've never enjoyed the company of people. my parents were murdered when I was younger. My relatives never wanted me. They said that I was a nuisance and a burden. So I was left to fend for myself. I did whatever I had to. I promised my parents that I would survive and find happiness.

I found happiness when I met Jesse and her friends. Or so I thought. They continued to go on missions. I was left in charge of the cleaning and other chores. It wasn't fun but they did train me. They taught me how to fight and defend myself as long as I keep doing chores. It wasn't so bad. For them that is. Then It happened. I was in the order hall cleaning. Jesse and Petra were training, Axel and Olivia were testing out new redstone powered TNT devises. And Lukas was finishing up his latest book.

It was calm until Radar came running in. " Jesse...problem...Admin...quick!" He said. He was out of breath. " Radar, slow down. What happened?" Jesse asked. We all went over to him. " Come out and see." Radar said. We rushed outside. What I saw was horrible. Fire, smoke, and destruction. People were running, buildings were collapsing, everything was total chaos. There were crazy mobs everywhere. None that I've ever seen. I looked over at Jesse. Her face was stricken with terror and anger. " Jesse? What's wrong?" I asked. " It's him. The Admin. He's back." She said.

I looked up in the sky and saw him. The Admin. He seemed familiar. He was wearing a red and grey suit. His skin was grey and his hair and eyes were red. He was looking down on us from the sky. How was he alive? I thought he was powerless. Was everything they said to us a lie? I took one more look at him. I studied his features. All of a sudden, memories from the night of my parents' murder resurfaced. It was him. He killed them. Rage over took me.

He was laughing at all of the destruction. Oh, how I hated that laugh. " K'mon guys." Jesse said. She ushered us all inside. " Y/N ! K'mon!" She said. I took one last look at the Admin and went inside. The others started to suit up. Jesse tossed me an iron sword. Then we went out to face whatever the Admin had to offer.

" Take down the mobs and help the people get to safety. Try not to alert the Admin to what we're doing." Jesse said. We all separated. I started to take down some weird zombies. They were dressed in orange prison uniforms. I managed to take them down swiftly. I also helped out some people. " Get to safety!" I said. I saw a giant prismarine colossus. I read about one in Lukas' book. I knew how to defeat it. I started running over to it. But Jesse stopped me. " You aren't ready. Go and help out the others." She said. She ran off to face the colossus.

I spat and then ran off. " Who does she think she is?!" I said. Just then, I heard a high pitched scream. I ran over to where it was. The one who screamed was Radar. He was cornered by these half-creeper, half-spider mobs. I knew Radar didn't know how to fight or use a sword. " Don't worry Radar. I got your back." I said. They started to come at me. " Alright. COME AT ME SCRUBLORD! I'M RIPPED." I screamed. Then I attacked them.

I kicked one into two other and they exploded. I managed to Take down the other two with my sword. " Thanks Y/N." Radar said. " No problem. Now get somewhere safe." I told radar. He ran off. I noticed that some golems were taking the citizens through a portal. Jesse noticed it too. We nodded to each other. We managed to take out three portals and five golems. That caught the attention of the Admin.

" You continue your futile resistance. You should already know that you don't stand a chance." He said. He floated down to face Jesse. I stood at a distance to watch. " How are you alive? " She asked. They began circling each other. " Right before the terminal exploded, I put in one last program. I constructed a failsafe that just in case my were taken away, I would get them back. I put in the program and got my powers back. And now we're here." He said.

" Get'em Jesse! He doesn't stand a chance!" I said. Jesse looked at me and nodded. The Admin looked at me. We stared at each other. He broke the staring with his smile. But it wasn't a sinister smile. It was a warm smile. I blushed a little. He turned his attention back to Jesse. They began to fight. I ran off to help some others. I found a group of people that were surrounded by some more of those iron golems. I managed to fight them off and get the people to safety.

Then Jesse came flying through a wall. She laid unconscious in the rubble. I ran over to her and checked her pulse. " Don't worry. She's alive. I made sure not to hit her too hard." Someone said. I turned around. It was the Admin. A strong feeling of rage grew inside me. Without thinking, I attacked the Admin. But he dodged with ease.

" You took everything from me! And now I'm gonna kill you! You're gonna feel the same pain that they felt when you killed them!" I screamed. I continued to attack. Even though it was futile. " Ahh. Now I remember you. You're the daughter of F/N and M/N. Your parents worked under me at the Sunshine Institute. But they betrayed me when they tried to free Xara. So I killed them." He said. He knocked the sword out of my hand and pinned me against a wall.

I started to struggle, but I couldn't break his hold. " If you're gonna kill me, make it quick. I'm ready." I said. I shut my eyes and waited for him to strike. But then he chuckled. " What make you think I'm going to kill you?" He said. I opened my eyes and stared at him in confusion. " I'm not going to kill you Y/N." He said. He put me down and I stared at him. Then a sword was thrown at him. It was Jesse. He leaned over to me. " Our time has been cut short. But don't worry. We will see each other again. Count on it, my new champion." He said. Jesse then tackled him. " Run! Get out of here! What ever happens, keep running and don't look back." She said. I nodded and ran off. The last thing I heard was an explosion. But I never looked back. I just kept running.

End of flashback

It has been three months since that day. The world fell under the control of the Admin shortly after that. He's been gathering up the ' unworthy ' citizens and taking them somewhere. The ' worthy ' citizens are living in the High City. The city that used to be Beacon Town. No where is safe. His words kept coming back in my head. " We will see each other again. Count on it. My new champion. " I haven't been sleeping. All I could do was run. Cause if I run, I knew I would get caught. So I'm gonna keep running. Until I can't run anymore.

Light In the Darkness: Admin X Reader ( MCSM )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz