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You lived alone. Of course it had it's perks but when it became night, that's when the trouble began. Your anxiety pumped. was that something you saw out of the corner of your eye? Did you misplace that item or did someone move it? Did you remember to lock the doors?

All of these things went through your mind. You had a huge fear of being alone, yet you lived alone with your cat Mio in the small quiet town of Morioh. Nothing, if anything rarely happened.

You don't know why you were scared that particular night, but you were. You made sure all the windows were locked in your 1 bedroom 1 bath cottage style home. With every door and window locked you felt safe.

Your eyes moved like darts as you tried to calm yourself, petting Mio and watching T.V.

Any little thing that seem off, your eyes would flick from here to there.

Of course you were afraid, a 20 year old girl living alone was a perfect target to anyone.

You took a deep breath as you continued watching your movie.

You petted Mio, her soft fur was almost therapeutic. You sighed once again in relief that you were safe. That was until the power shut off. You gasped and your heart dropped as you fumbled to grab a nearby flashlight. Mio purred and scattered into your room. Great now you really were alone.

The lights had gone out once in awhile, but that was during the day. You could very easily go out to the shed and turn on the power generator during the day. But at night?

Hell the fuck no.

You took a deep breath and went out the back door towards the shed. You ran out and shakily pointed the flashlight towards the generator. Anxiety pumping and your heart racing as you flipped the giant switch on the generator. You heard it whir up and sprinted back towards the door. And back into your home.

You opened the door and slammed it behind you. The lights were already on and you sighed in relief.

You walked back into the living room your muscles relaxing. You turned the corner towards your couch and found Mio. Dead.

There was a puddle of blood around her and you gasped. Taking a step back. She looked like she had exploded. With guts strewn around the area around her. Your hand was shaking and you clamped it over your mouth.
You could hear your heart beating. You felt as if your heart was up into your throat. You felt tears well up in your eyes as you heard a voice behind you.

"stupid shit was hissing at me" you heard from
behind you.

You spun around to meet a blonde man. He was wearing a suit. He wore a green and white striped shirt. With a lavendar overcoat and a tie. He had a scary look in his eyes and had a smirk plastered over his face.

His eyes traveled up and down your body as you cringed. You needed to run. You needed to get to phone. You had the phone on the kitchen wall.

He was on the other side of the couch giving you time to run past him into the kitchen. You ran past him and he grabbed you by the wrist. Your body jolted backwards and your head was spinning as you landed into his arms.

He massaged the top of your hand.
"my...what nice hands you have" he said in a low voice. His voice rolled like butter and almost sounded like a purr.

I gasped.
I lost, that's it. My mind was racing. I knew it.
This was how i'd die, at the hands of this man.

He held up my wrist and rubbed my palm.
"i haven't felt hands like these in awhile." he purred once again.

"i actually quite like these, thank you miss" he said.
"p...please, let me go, i beg you" i whimpered out.
My vision was blurred by the tears filling my vision. I broke out in a sob. Hot tears streamed out my face.
"my...women are sooo dramatic" he said irritated.

I felt my insides heat up. It felt like i had swallowed lava. It hurt a lot to breath.

third person
The woman exploded her guts flying everywhere and Kira looked down at the hand intertwined in his. The body was gone and it was just her hand and wrist. He gripped it a little tighter and a smirk grew across his face.

He laughed and made his way out of the house.

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