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Dont mind todoroni over there he just went into the wrong anime story

It was lunch at the time and you were sitting alone in the cafeteria

I wonder if i can make him fall for me Then Try to make saiki say "Oh wow~" (you know who it is)

Teruhashi walked over to your table and greeted you "..Hi there!.." You put your direction over to her "..oh..Hello.."

"..My Name is Teruhashi. And you?.."

"..Im (Y/n).."

He hasn't even said oh wow either!? i guess hes a hard one too...damnit!

"..Is it ok if i sit here with you?.."


Saiki Pov


Saiki was sitting alone until some people (you know who) Sat there
"Heya pal wanna get some ramen after school" Nendou asked

I'm not going with you

"No actually saiki is coming with me so we can investigate through my secret hideout" Kaidou asked


"Saiki!! How about you and me go to the gym after school huh?" Hairo said

"..Actually both me and saiki are gonna go through the alleyway to find some bad guys.." (or somethin) Aren asked

Im not going with anyone

(Y/n) Pov
".Huh?.." Something was happening to (Y/n) all of a sudden...he started hearing voices in his head. A lot of them..He got a headache from it and tried to stop it but Didn't work "Ugh"

".Is something wrong (Y/n)?.." Said Teruhashi

"..Oh im fine.." He acted Fine but he wasnt really the headache got worse and more voices were heard in his head

"Hes so cute!"
"I wonder if the dark reunion has followed me"
"i hope saiki agrees to get ramen"
"Ill make him say oh wow~"
"Maybe ill go to the gym straight away after"

im gonna go home..

It got louder and louder Until...It stopped...No more voices

Some people started staring at (Y/n) So he stood up "..i think im not feeling gonna go to the bathroom.." (Y/n) Said "..oh? ok then.." Teruhashi said

He went over to the bathroom and went in one of the stalls..Sitting on the toilet and thought to himself "..what the hell was that!?! where did the voices come from...i think im just'll be fine in a few minutes...ill be fine...everythings just have to breath in then out (Y/n)

Saiki Pov

Saiki heard him telepathically and went over to the Bathroom
he might not know what happened but i think i know what..

Saiki was infront (Y/n)'s Stall.At first he knocked on it seeing if he would open the door

(Y/n) Pov

He opened the door to see the pink haired guy again ""

Did you start hearing different voices in the cafeteria

"How did yo-"

im a psychic...just like you..

" a psychic?!? there anyone else that are "Psychics" around here.."

Only 2 that i know are..

"..W-wait...i realised your talking to me without moving you mouth.."

Its called telepathy...

"..Right...Um..." (Y/n) Stood up and went passed saiki " gonna go back.." And then he left saiki in the bathroom

============Tims skippp===========

It was the end of school already and
(Y/n) Was walking back home until Two boys came up to him "Heya pal im nendou..wanna get some ramen?."

How old is this guy??

"..Im Kaidou..You might know me because of the dark reunion..Right?.."

What's dark reunion??

"..Oh wait! guys are saikis friends right?..why isnt he with you?.." You asked
Nendou: "..He said he didnt want to go with us but thats ok.."
"..Any chances you know where he went?.."
Kaidou: "..He went back home...Its just over there in that area.."
"..Ok thanks.."

(( FINALLY I MADE A PART 2..sorry..i just have a lot of things i do..Anyways i hope you endjoyed it ))

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